- The Walk -

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Alice was standing in front of me, smiling that bright smile of her hers... although she was literally getting soaked in the rain.

"Uh Dylan? Aren't you going to let me in?" She laughed nervously.

"Uh sure" I said, moving behind the door and letting her in. I shut the door behind me.

"Hmm... something smells good. What is that?" Alice asked, as she took of her drenched parka.

"Umm Mom's making breakfast. I just didn't realise you were coming this-"

"This early?! Yeah, your mom told my mom that I was coming over early. She didn't tell you?"

I shook my head.

"Well then... she was probably trying to suprise you or something" she said as we walked down the hall. She surprised me alright. 

Alice was wearing a simple white dress and black high top converse. She was also wearing the chevron bracelet she made years ago. Mine was somewhere in my bedroom... I think.

We approached the kitchen. "Hi Alice" said Mom.

"Hi Anna. Wow, you've really outdone yourself today." She said, taking a seat. I did too a chair away from her.

"Well, Dylan has been cooped up in that bedroom for days now, eating bagels and marmalade." She muttered to Alice.

"I decided to make breakfast where we can all eat together" Mom smiled.

I stared at Mom in disbelief while slowly munching the 6 crepes I had stuffed in my mouth. She was literally talking to Alice as if I wasn't in the room.

I quickly stuffed a few more crepes in my mouth, topping it with whipped cream and strawberries and chugged it down with orange juice.

"Okay I think I'm going get changed and cleaned up. Thanks for the breakfast Mom" I said wiping my mouth and getting up from the table.

"But you haven't had any of the baguettes yet" said Mom.

I ripped off half of the baguette, buttered it and took it with me upstairs. I didn't make eye contact with anyone in the room. I went up to my room and closed the door behind me. I was not going to sit there and be gossiped about across the table.


"Dylan?" called Mom from the kitchen. 

"Hmm?" I said. It was 6 in the evening. Me and Alice were have a silent tournament on the Wii in the living room. We were playing Super Mario Kart and of course, Alice was winning.

"Could you go out and get me some butter down at the store, were all out."

"Why cant you use the car?" I asked.

"Because YOU need to get some fresh air and It stopped raining. You've been sitting on that couch since lunch. I give you the dollar back later if you want"

I rolled my eyes. 


"Yeah, okay, I'll go just give me a second."

I sighed and got up. Alice paused the game. "I'll come too" said Alice, getting up.

"Do you really want to?" I asked.

"Why not. I'm bored anyways." she said. I didn't really want her to come but I also didn't want her to stay here alone will my Mom. 

"Alright then" I said taking the umbrella and we walked out the door. 


The sun had gone down now. We had gone down to the groceries store and gotten the butter. There was a lot of awkward silence. As we were walking back Alice stopped and grabbed my arm.

"What's wrong with you, Dylan?" said asked, searching my eyes.

"What are you talking about. Nothing's wrong" I chuckled nervously, gently trying to pull away.

"Dylan, I'm not a fool. You've been acting really weird lately. What happened?" She tugged back.

I looked at her. Alice was clearly not a fool. 

"Was it something at Jess' party?" she asked.

I stayed silent. 

"Dylan, tell me."

I sighed. "Okay at the party," I started. Just then, rain started to fall. I put the umbrella up.
"At the party,  you and Poppy were pretty wasted. And you guys were saying all sort of nonsense... and then" I said, scratching the back off my head. 

"Then what? What did I do?" she said.

"You said that I was hot and stuff" I said, feeling weird and ridiculous.

Alice raised her eyebrows. It was raining a good bit now. Alice looked away, smiling. I saw her trying not the laugh but she ended up bursting with laughter. 

I looked at her confused for a second, then realized that what I just said sounded like something a third grader would say. I starting chuckling, then laughing.

"Dylan, you are absolutely hilarious. I was drunk. I didn't even realize that I was talking to you or about you at that party. Besides, anyone would find that big bush on top of you head cute any day." she cried. She ruffled my hair. I laughed.

"Dylan, I'm you best friend and I will always just be your friend. We've been friends before we turned 1, so it would be weird if we ended up being some kind of couple".

The relief of hearing Alice saying that was great. But I had known Alice for ages, so I knew when she was lying or at least covering the actual truth. 

A small voice in my head was telling me that Alice was doing just that.

But the rain was pouring like there was no tomorrow. The thunder was so loud and distracting that I had completely ignored the voice in my head. 

Alice looked up at the rain, getting her hair and dress soaked and then suddenly gave me a hug, but I didn't pull away. I hugged her back.

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