- Mysterious Moonlight Girl -

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"The football field" I said, a tiny bit disappointed. Not that I was expecting her to take me to Jurassic World or anything. 

"What wrong with the football field?" she pouted.

"Well I train here like every day. Nothing new here." I said looking around the field. "Shouldn't the doors  be locked by now?"

"I don't know. Come here" she shouted, running up to the benches.

I jogged after her. The lights were still on for strange reason. I don't know why I kept following her. My heart was telling me to 'just go with it' , but my head was telling me 'Yo, your gonna get yourself in deep trouble if you keep following this crazy chic' . I have absolutely know clue who she was. But It was better than going to that dance.

She sat on the bench and I sat beside her. "What now?" I asked, confused.

"Look" she said, pointing at the field.

I looked still confused for a bit until..."Huh. I've actually haven't really sat on these benches properly for years now" I said, looking around.

"Me neither. Being a cheerleader can be just as time consuming and being a football player. You are either doing something on the pitch or sleeping off the tiredness of the performance the night before."

"That's true" I nodded.

"Does it ever get boring for you?" She asked, leaning into my face.

"What?" I said, leaning back.

"You know, playing football all the time? I mean, from the other guys, its like 'the reason why I come into school' but doesn't it get all tedious sometimes?"

"I guess" I nodded. Looking around.

"Have you ever want do do something else?"

"I suppose.." I said, looking at her. I still couldn't figure out who she was.

There was a pause for a moment.

"Hey, I'm gonna show you something. Okay?" she stood up.

"Okay. But it not gonna be somewhere like the art room is it?" I sighed.

"No, just trust me" she whispered.

I didn't truly know if I should trust her or not but I went along with her anyways. She lead me back into the school. We went past the hall and up the stairs to the 2nd floor. People were all over the place now hooking up, taking selfie etc. She led me to a staircase. It was pitch black.

"Hello?". She didn't respond back. I could hear rapid footstep echo around me. For a second, I thought I was being pranked.

"Hey, um, I think I'm gonna go..." I said, turning back. As I say this, she opens the door the very top of the stairs. The moonlight illuminated the wall opposite it. How come all these door are open at this time of hour?

"Are you coming?" she screamed.

I ran up the stairs. What the heck?! I've never seen this place before, I thought. When I finally got up the staircase, I looked out and saw that it was the roof... or a garden. It was amazing. I don't think many people came up here. It was so peaceful, free and untouched.

"Woah" I looked around. Bushes of many white flowers illuminated in the moonlight.

"Guess you haven't been up here before, have you?" she folded her arms.

"No. Wait, how do you know about this place?"

"Well" she said walking toward me. "It just take a little bit of thought, a little bit of curiously," she came close and whispered to my ear, running her finger down my chest. "And a little bit of sneakiness". I held my breath, my heart racing. She smiled, biting the bottom of her mouth and skipped off.

I let out a sigh. Man, that was intense. I mean, I still didn't know who she was but she was different. She was unlike other cheerleaders I've seen before. I don't know what I felt just at that moment. 

She skipped off to the edge. "Hey, look at this".

I came over and look at the view. "You could see the whole campus from here"

"Ya. You could see the city from up here. It's really quiet and calm at this time of hour. It's beautiful"

"It is..." I said.  She looked back as I gazed deep into her eyes. They were a bright blue-ish gray in the moonlight. It was perfect. She was somehow...perfect.

I held her chin and brought her lips to mine ever so gently. In the back of my mind, I thought she would pull away and slap me straight across the face. But she didn't. She kissed me back, wrapping her arm around my neck. I smiled and started walking backwards, away from the edge of the roof and away from the 30 ft drop to our doom.

She leaned back against the wall of the rooftop door. She wasn't fast and desperate, she was slow and compassionate. I picked her up. She giggled a bit before continuing to kiss me again. She ran her fingers in my hair, kissing me more.I kissed her down her neck, trailing across her collar bone and up her warm delicate skin.

We kissed and kissed until she pulled back and said "What time is it?"

Oh my goodness. We had sent some much time making out that I've completely forgotten that we were meant to be attending a Halloween dance in the hall.

"Crap" I sighed.

"Well.. that was fun" she said, jumping down and fixing her ponytail. "We should get back" 

"Ya... hey, I actually didn't catch you name" I said.

"You didn't, didn't you? Well my name is.. you know what? I actually like it this way. I could always look by to the time I kissed a mysterious, amazing kisser, football player on the rooftop on Halloween."

I did like the idea. "Okay, that's actually pretty cool"

As we approach the entrance of the hall, she stopped me. "Thanks for joining me on my.. adventure" She smiled. She kissed me on the cheek.  I looked at her as she gently let go of my hand and ran back in the hall.

I smiled and walked slowly back into the hall. As I met up with Jake, I wanted to tell him the whole adventure I've been on with this mysterious girl. But it seemed like he didn't even realize that I was gone. So I kept the little adventure story to myself.

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