- A Kiss or A Trick?-

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Summer flew by ...as always. Alice officially decided not to have a birthday party this year. It think she going though this girl teenage phase where she's all like... tomboy and low-key. 

About two weeks ago, she was wearing bright clothes and sandals. Now she was wear an baby blue hoodie with Adidas black tracksuit bottoms and UGGS. 

The Alice I knew was loud, always happy, fun and bright. Today we were in her house, playing 'The Walking Dead' on her brother's Xbox in her room. 

"Alice are you sure you want play this?"

"Why wouldn't I?" she shrugged, not diverting her eyes from the screen. Last time we played a horror video game, Alice constantly blasted me and Poppy with messages throughout the night. Well, Poppy is always up for a good talk but I found it extremely annoying.

As the game started to get scarier, Alice started to get more fidgety. Suddenly (just as the game started to get good), Alice jumped up "I'm getting popcorn"  she said.

"Cool" I nodded and she walked out of the room. I heard her go down the steps. Her house was sort of eerie since no one was around. Alice's brother was gone to college and was probably on holidays now somewhere while our Moms have gone to a wedding.

Her bedroom was sweet thought. The walls were pink, but the majority of interior design and furniture was marble-ish grey and white.

I heard the popcorn staring to go off downstairs. I looked at some pictures she has around her room. There one with her, Kara and Poppy in school in a black frame on her bookshelf. There's also a film-strip pictures of her and Poppy in a photo on her dressing table. 

There's this one that I love of me and Alice when we were like 5 on the beach. I was in this silly green swimsuit. Alice was in this tutu blue swimming togs. We were both baring our teeth straight at the camera which I found hysterical.

Alice came back with buttered popcorn and we continued to play. She was taking this quite well. But then I decided it was time 'change the game'. We played Super Mario for hours. For once, I was winning and Alice was getting competitive. She started doing everything in her power to make me lose control. 

She pushed me hard to the side. I pushed her back making her fall to the ground and continued to play, smirking. She looked up, flipping her hair back.

"Well, if you want play it that way..." she started and grabbed my phone.

Alice Jones was asking for war.

She opened my phone (God knows how) and started scrolling through my camera roll. 

"Ooh, Dylan Grey, I never knew you were such a poser" she squealed as she ran the other side of her bed. I felt a tight feeling in my stomach. 

"Alice, sto-" 

"Oh my gosh, you should caption this '6 pack on fleek... not!'" she laughed. Oh my Goodness.

"Wait, why is there a 'Jess workout mirror selfie' on your phone... oh its from 'Bros'. That group chat with you, Ethan and Jake I suppose? What do you guys even talk about anyways?" she asked, as her finger rapidly started moving around the screen.

I didn't hesitate this time. That group chat was more that confidential. Anything said on that group chat must stay within that group chat.

I jumped over the bed, darting straight towards Alice.  Alice runs back backwards, still searching the phone, giggling. I pin her onto the wall by her arms. 

As I started to pull the phone from her hand, she kisses me by surprise. 

I didn't know what to do, whether to pullback or kiss back. It was warm and it felt... almost too real. But it lasted for about 2 seconds. She pulled away, grabbing the phone and ran out of the room. 

Typical Alice. She was always smarter and sneakier than me. 

I ran after her, but as I opened the bedroom door, She was nowhere to be seen. The house was eerie and quiet. I slowly went down stairs.


No answer. I walked down the hall. I looked under the stairs, in the living room but she was nowhere to be seen. 

"Alice, come on..." I said looking around. I'm pretty sure that she has checked every ounce of my phone by now. Great.

"ALICE?!" I screamed, annoyed.

"I'm out here" she replied. I rushed outside to the back. The sun was just setting now. I looked around, but still couldn't see her anywhere.

I rubbed my face and sighed, then suddenly, before I knew it. My whole body was pushed and I went straight into the pool.

I swam and looked up, spluttering. I saw Alice, with her hand on her sides, laughing.

"I win" she smiled.

I looked at her in disbelief. "Alright okay, you can check my phone, you can do whatever you want okay? Now help me out" I said, putting my hand out. 

She smirked looking at me. Then she walked over to help me. She took my hand... and I immediately dragged her into the water.

I laughed, nearly drowning by all the splashing she was making in the pool. She looked mad. Really mad. Her mascara was running down her face.

She looked at me, all in a huff.  "Dylan!". I laughed even more. I couldn't stop

"Look what you've done, my hair," She hit my chest. "My makeup and my clothes are soaked!" She started hitting my chest really hard. I laughed, but it was starting to hurt now.

She started to laugh, but continued hitting my chest. I grabbed her arms close to my chest and smiled, trying not to laugh. She tried hitting me again but failed.

She looked at me and smiled. That beautiful perky-Alice smile of her that I haven't seen for weeks.

She sighed. "What are we doing with our lives, Dylan?" said Alice, looking around.

I smiled "I honestly have no idea" I chuckled. 

She splashed me one more time before she went out of the pool.

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