- Sunrise -

12 1 0

Woah, I couldn't believe it was going to be our first day in high school. I know it's not a big deal but to me... It was pretty BIG deal. Like its not like elementary school; you end a year, come back after summer, different teacher, same kids in a class, no big a deal. 

But now, I was moving to a different school that I've only been in once before, a load of different teachers and books, same friends of course but there was obviously going to be a load of new classmates. 

Me and Alice was texting 'till 2AM in the morning (which I totally don't recommend, especially if you know that your going to high school for the first time in the next 6 hours). Alice could have talked for hours on end if I let her, so I told Alice that it was getting late and that we should get some sleep. But I wasn't tired. There was a part of me that was excited, but there was also a part of me that kept telling that 'you're gonna get bullied' and 'Your Mom is going to embarrass you big time in school later'. I wasn't having that. 

I got up at sat on the side of my bed. I rubbed my eyes with my hand  and looked at the time.


Crap. I literally didn't get any sleep. I looked out my window, the sun was just about to rise. I remember when Me and Alice used to climb up on the roof and watch the sun rise at the crack of dawn, thinking it was the coolest thing ever. I got up, wore my jumper and start climbing the roof. By the time I got up the sun was already rising. The rays of the sun was almost too blinding to watch. The warmth of the sun spread across my face. The sky was turning from a purple-ish blue to a warm red-ish orange color. It was unbelievable. Every time i came up here before with Alice, I mainly worried about our parent finding out. But this felt good .I felt good. I started climbing back down, with this sudden boost of confidence. 

'This is going to be a good day ' I thought with a grin on my face :)

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