- She Did WHAT?! -

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"Dude, could you believe... that were Seniors now?" said Jake, gasping.

Summer has past and we we already late in October. I know right? Time flies. Halloween was coming up very soon. Tonight, there was going to be a fundraising Halloween dance for the school.

In mid-September, apparently, there was a "feud" between the football team, the acapella team and the cheer team because:

1) The football team got the most attention and help from the school which was not fair to ALL the teams in the school.                                                                                                                                                   

2)The acapella team was not being given the right facilities they they need like proper musical instruments, and decent music room etc.                                                                                                                 

3)The cheer team was blamed for spending their money on unreasonable props such as new costumes for nearly every competitions and their confetti canons. 

The principle of the school said that the football team is a major attraction to the school and is known best for it skills and awards, so the football was fine the way it is.

This made the cheer coach go mad, saying that they also work their butts off for the school.

But the acapella and cheer coaches said that they would compromise and perform a show at the Halloween dance together and split the money 70/30 (The cheer team was getting 70).

Back to the point. The senior football team was currently jogging laps around the field. I paired up beside Jake.

"I know right? Crazy stuff. Hey... what did you actually get up... to during the summer?" 

"Nothing much. As you know, I went to Florida for... a while to meet up my cousins. And...OOH, guess what?" He smirked and whispered in ear.

I looked at him, stunned. "Jacob, that's... completely messed up" I said, looking back to see if anyone else heard.

"Hey, I told you to stop calling me that... it's Jake" He said, nudging my arm.

"JACOB!!! LESS TALKING, MORE RUNNING" screamed Coach, across the field. I heard a guy snigger behind me. 

We continued to jog and then I spoke again. "Wait, seriously? Kara!? She asked you to? But like...why and-and how!?" I whispered.

"DYLAN!" screamed Coach. I quietened down and jogged in silence. Jake continued.

"Dunno, man. She... literally begged me to. She texted me the night before... to come over cause her parents wasn't gonna... be home. I came over... and it all went pretty fast. She was already... at the door before I got to ring the bell. She kissed me... dragged me up the stairs...into her room. And it all took off from there" He chuckled.

"Huh" I smiled and looked to the ground, remembering the night when Alice kissed me on the lips. I probably was in a daze too long because when I looked back up at Jake, he was already looking at me and had this look of curiosity in his face.




"What happened? I saw you in one of the dazed out... moments of yours again. I know that look... from anywhere" he smiled as we stopped jogging. 

"Okay bulldogs, that's a wrap for today." said Coach. 

We walked back to the lockers, Jake continued to interrogate me "Dylan come on, what happened? I already confessed my own, now you have to open up" said Jake, as he sat on the bench and untying his lace.

"Okay, fine" I said and sat down beside him. "I was at Alice house one day because both of our parents were gone to some wedding. And like, Alice was all... weird and acting all dull and tomboy-like" I started. 

Jake look at me, surprised.

"Right, so we were playing Super Mario Kart, like always and for one I was winning. She got all competitive and pushed me, but I pushed her back onto the ground."

"Nice one, Dylan" He laughed.

"Well, after she decides to take my phone and God knows how she opened it. Then she wanted to find out our group chat and check the messages--" 

"Wait, did she..." 

"No, I don't thinks so. So I chased her around her room until FINALLY I had her and my phone. I held her up against the wall and then out of the blue, she kissed me!" 

Jake continues removing his football gear, not the slightest bit surprised.

"Jake, didn't you not hear what I said?"

"Yeah, but like Dylan, it was bound to happen sometime anyways. Everyone knows that Alice has a thing for you."

"Ya... no. I been hearing the same damn thing for years now." I said "She said it herself that doesn't feel that way about me" I explained, packing my stuff in my locker.

"Whatever dude. It's not a big deal anyways" He smiled. "Hey, about this Halloween dance thing, are you dressing up?"

"Hell yeah! It's Halloween bro! I'm living it up to the fullest thing year"

"Oh really? So what the costume?"

"Zombie in a football shirt."

"Wow! Your really going over the top this year" he said, sarcastically. "Why don't we pair up? We can be zombie bros"

"I like it." We both laughed and headed down over to my place.

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