- Me and Kara -

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10th grade: I dated Kara for a while, but it didn't last. Kara was way too clingy and judgmental. Literally, every 10 mins, I would get a text message from Kara asking me where I was and what I was doing. And every time we walked down the hall and I simply glance at some girl she was all like 'Why are you glaring at that girl's ass?'. She would get into some kind of fit and give me the silent treatment for the whole day. To be honest, sometimes I didn't mind not having Kara watching every step I take.

But she would get over it and ask me what I wanted in a girl. I couldn't care less honestly but Kara wasn't the girl to take 'nothing' or 'no' for answer. She would try and make it up to me by kissing me, hugging me and so on. 

She was great and everything but I wasn't feeling the on and off thing. So one day outside school, I told her that the "thing" we had was over. She looked and me and started giggling, but when she saw that I was actually being serious, she turned her back and start crying, her hands covering her face.

Then I realized that the way I approached here about this was a bit selfish. I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. She really was in love with me, but that wasn't changing anything. I hushed her gently.

'Kara, I'm sorry' I said.

Kara was still very upset for the rest of the evening, but the next day she was as perky and lively like nothing had ever happened, but she was this guy called Tyler who was a complete player. He would make out with any girl if they simply asked. 

They walked down the hall together with their arm linked but they where hardly acknowledging each other. Tyler was checking out every girl in the hallway and Kara was on her phone

Couple goals, I tell you.

She walked past me as if I was invisible or was fine on how I comforted her yesterday and jumping into other relationship, not even saying 'hi' or looking at me for that matter.

What the hell, Kara...

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