- Good Times -

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15 seconds...

The tension on the field had gotten much more intense now. The field was a step from being completely silent.

I was sweating now. We had drawn with the Yorkie's and we only had less than ten seconds to finish this off.

10 seconds...

I pass the ball to Tyler. Tyler ran for it, nearly going out.

'Tyler, Watch It!' I screamed.

7 seconds...

Tyler got back on track but was now being hunted down by the Yorkie's, so he threw a far risky pass to Nathan.
I ran down with him as he caught the ball.

5 seconds...

We ran to the goal. The Yorkie's ran and butted into us, but Nathan manged to keep going. We were almost there.

3 seconds...

The other team bolted toward to us, doing everything in their power to make us slip up. I heard Jake say 'I'm open Nate' but Nathan decided mentally that he wanted to take the spotlight for once.

One of the players from the other team has made me fall into the wet slippery grass. I looked up at Nathan.

Less than a second left, Nathan is rammed  into the ground by a Yorkie. Just as we all thought that it was the end, they both slide straight into the goal.

The whole entire stadium erupts with cheers. The band started back playing our school national anthem. The cheerleaders confetti canons erupts in air, mixing in with the rain.

Two guys pick up Nathan onto their shoulders. Then, the cheerleaders ran up to us. Kara ran up to Tyler, kissing him on the lips wrapping her arm around his neck. Perhaps they were good together.

I saw Alice. She wasn't running up to any of her ex boyfriends or admires. She was running up to me, elated.

I couldn't help but smile. I took off my helmet, letting the rain soak my hair making it even curlier.

She ran and jumped straight on top of me , hugging me as tight as he could. She squealed. I hugged her back.

'DYLAN!' She screamed. I looked at her face which was covered in makeup glitter, her hair soaked with confetti.

She held my face, wiping it with her thumbs. She bit the bottom of her mouth. I raised my eyebrows.

'YOU WON, STUPID!!' She smiled, giggling. I laughed.

Jason and and the rest of team caught up with me. Alice jumped down and went screaming with the cheerleaders. The stadium had never been more alive.

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