Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The night sky was clear and all you could see all the stars, and if you look hard enough you would get lost in them. Living in the city, you would never get to see the stars like this because of the light pollution. We had spent a couple hours driving to the middle of nowhere just to see this. We were laying on our backs on a blanket in the middle of a field. The cool spring breeze caressed my cheek, tickling the hairs on my skin. Almost automatically I moved closer to the warmth that radiated off the body beside me.

The stars were so beautiful, and sometimes we get caught up in our lives that were forget they are up there.  Sometimes you just have to ask, "How could something so amazing be up there?" I wasn't much of a star gazer, maybe it was because I grew up in the city

I only got into looking up at the stars because of Anthony. He introduce it to me because it was something he would always do with his parents when he was a kid. At this point in our relationship I think I would have done anything with him  and it would make me one happy person. I felt his body shift beside me and he sat up, gazing off into the distance.

I looked at him and slowly moved my hand towards his, taking it in mine. The corners of his lips curled up into a smile and he squeezed my hand. He turned to look down at me, his lips still smiling but his eyes were overwhelmingly sad. I propped myself up on my elbows, tilting my head to the side.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly and he shook his head, looking down at our hands intertwined, playing with my fingers. I reached up with my free hand and gently caressed his face in it. He leaned his cheek against my hand and closed his eyes, sighing softly. "You sure?"

He moved to lay down beside me again, turning his body towards me. He reached out with his hand and touched my chest, his eyes following it before looking at me.  Even in the dark his eyes were this amazing shade of blue. I gave his a questioning look, he looked conflicted, like he had something to tell me but it was too hard to say it

"It's nothing," he spoke softly and leaned towards me, kissing my lips softly. I returned the kiss, running my fingers through his softly blond hair. He leaned closer, deepening the kiss. He kissed me eagerly and quickly as if it were going to be our last kiss. Before I knew it he had pulled back and pressed his head into my chest. There was something bothering him, but he already seemed pretty upset so I figured I wouldn't try to pry it out of. 

I fell back onto the blanket with him in my arms, letting my hand mindlessly run through his hair.  I always found it comforting slowly stroking his hair, I constantly did it, and he liked it. I breathed in and out slowly, gazing back up at the stars. This moment was so perfect, I don't know what else could beat it.

"I love you," I murmured into his hair, kissing his head gently. He wrapped his arms around my chest and squeezed.

"I love you too Jayden-"

"-Jayden," I heard a voice call my name, pulling me out of my daydream. I looked down at my Science professor looking up at me questionably. "Jayden, are you listening to me? I asked you a question." I rubbed my forehead and sat straight up in my chair, I zoned out majorly. When I didn't say anything he added, "Or will we have to talk after class?"

"Yeah, I'm listening, now," I sighed softly, and blinked a couple of times before I looked back down at the teacher. "What did you ask me?" Everyone was staring at me and I could see them all trying to hold back laughter.

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