Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I woke up to a gently shake and then a panicked voice of my mother who hovered me. Her hair tickled my nose, making me want to desperately sneeze. I smacked her hands away gently rolled over onto my back, so that I could lie on my back for a moment. I groaned and looked over at my clock, it was only 7:30am, but why would my mother bother trying to wake me up? Wait-

"You're going to be late for school," my mother said softly and I jumped out of bed and bolted to my bathroom. I quickly splashed water on my face, and brushed my teeth. I left my hair a mess, but it did not look too bad. I headed back into my room where I head to my closet to get a change of clothes.

By the time I was done, I knew I was already going to be late, not a good thing. I grabbed my backpack, running down the stairs, and grabbing my car keys. I sped to college. One of these days I was going to get a speeding ticket...

As I made it into the college's parking lot, my first class bell rang. I quickly parked and ran towards my building. By the time I got to the classroom I was a couple minutes late. I don't know how I made it to class at a decent time. I panted softly as I headed up to where Lissy was sitting. She gave me an interesting look. I knew she was itching to make a comment about being late, but luckily she didn't.

The rest of the class went by quickly as I just absent mindedly wrote down notes as the teacher lectured. I had gotten lost in my own head, at some point, thinking about ways I was going to avoid Anthony. Lissy looked at my curiously, but still didn't say anything.

After I filled up both sides of my paper and class ended I walked down the stairs to my teacher, Lissy trailing right behind me with her own set of notes. I headed out of the building and to my next class.


Just after I exited the building after my last class, Lissy texted me telling me that she needed a ride home, and was wondering if that we could hang out. I stupidly agreed and sluggishly walked out to my car to see the blonde headed girl smiling happily my way.

"Sup," I threw towards her, and she place a hand over her heart like I had just hurt her.

"Sup? Is that all you can say to your best girl friend?!" She made a little noise and tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder, turning her head to the side. I eyed her and then unlocked my car, sliding into my seat. She took a moment and then joined me with a huge smile on her face.

"Why are you so happy?" I raised an eyebrow and started heading to my house.

She took a long breath in and began to speak, "I met this totally cute guy today. And I think he likes me. He has this blonde hair—like mine—but only light, oh and these gorgeous blue eyes that just made me melt—"

"—wait..." I stopped her as my heart was pounding a thousands beats a second. A face had popped up in my head, and it look exactly like what she was explaining. "What's his name?"

"Matt," she shrugged, "He's been coming here forever. I just recognized him today because we were partners for something. Why? Do you have a thing for him? I will back off because I've never seen you with someone. Matter of fact—" I groaned and covered her mouth from asking me anymore questions

"No," I put it simply, "I was just asking."

When I got to my neighborhood, I really wanted to pass Anthony's house, unless I wanted to take the long way around. As I was passing his house, I saw his father and him lugging a huge couch through the front door.

He glanced up and noticed my car, and his eyes met mine. I quickly looked away, and turned into my driveway. Luckily for me, Melissa did not see our little "moment". She had been too busy texting away on her cell phone. "Who are you texting?"

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