Chapter Four

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(Picture of Tiffany)

Chapter Four

I woke up the next morning with a major headache, and I felt like I was going to throw up; I sat up in bed, rubbing my temples. I glanced over at the clock, it was only 6:30am, and beside my clock was a glass of stale water. My father probably put it there after I passed out on him last night, in case I woke up randomly and was thirsty.

I grabbed it and drank it all quickly, feeling slightly better as my body slowly tried to push the alcohol out of my system. I had more classes today, and I couldn't afford to lie back down because I would most likely fall back asleep and wouldn't wake up till noon.

So I managed to get out of bed and trudged over to my bathroom, turning on my shower. I took off my pants that I hadn't changed out of last night, and I was wearing no shirt because I had lost that on the dance floor last night. It had been one of my favorite shirts too.

Stepping into the cold water, it instantly snapped me out of the sleep fog. I groaned and turned the knob so that the water was warmer. I tipped my head under the shower head and let the water cascade down onto my head, splashing multiple ways off, spraying the areas around me. I ran my fingers through my hair self consciencely.

The shower was quick, and as soon as I got into it I was out and getting dressed for school. The clothes that I wore clung to my damp body, so did my hair because I didn't have enough time to dry it. I grabbed my backpack, keys, and headed downstairs and out the door.

My headache started to seize, but it still hurt, and the sunny morning wasn't helping. I found that my car was in the driveway, which made me think about how it got there because I had left my car at the club's parking lot. Then it hit me, my dad probably went down to the club to get my car. I didn't let my mind waste another minute on thinking about my dad and got into my car. I grabbed for my sunglasses that was clipped to the overhead visor and put them on, instantly massive headache that had been coming on went away.

Pulling out of the driveway I headed down the road to the community college. I had to survive another day at this dreadful place. I stayed in my car for a few minutes before gathering enough energy to open the door, getting out, and headed towards the old building where I would be trapped for half of the day.

I looked around, waiting for Melissa to pop out of nowhere, as she had a tendency to do, but she was nowhere to be found - probably stayed home hammered from last night. I remembered how we were all giggling like crazy from the booze Rocco had managed to get his hands on. Then my dad having to pick me up off the lawn and help me up to my room, but that all really was a blur, I could only remember bits and pieces.

By the time I made it to my seat in the first class the bell rang to start the class, and Melissa was still nowhere to be seen. How irresponsible. Some of us still have to come to school even with the worst hangover recorded, dedicating their lives to school and - I chuckled loudly, receiving several funny looks, but I just shrugged them off, and stared down at my teacher who eyed me skeptically for ruining his lecture.

Thinking about my "not so" perfect attendance here, and how many times I've got in trouble for smoking on campus, and the numerous times I had not come to my classes because of my hangovers; I just couldn't afford any more misses or I would have to take the class over again and that was a waste of my time and money. Melissa was way more responsilbe than I was.

Sometime during the lecture I had began to drift off the sleep, leaning back in my sleep, my arms crossed snuggly over my chest. I snapped away when I began to fall out of my seat, and people behind me began to laugh softly. I glared back at them and tried to focus on what we were talking, but I couldn't, my mind was other places.

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