Chapter Three

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(Picture of Melissa - Lissy)

Chapter Three

I woke up to a burning pain in my leg. I remembered falling asleep after talking to my mom about the whole, "Anthony is coming back. SURPRISE!" thing. I had, again, forgotten to apply the tattooing cream to my brand new tattoo; It burned angrily as I moved around the room trying to remember where I had put it.

Finding it in my backpack, where I had put it earlier this morning, I flipped the lid open, squeezing some of the cream onto my hand. I sat down on my bed and pulled down my pants mid-thigh, applying it; the cream instantly cooled the burning sensation.

I looked over at my clock on my bed side table; it was about thirty minutes before I had to work. Putting the cream beside my clock I stood up and began to peel my shirt off, walking over to my closet. I grabbed my white flannel shirt, with the left chest pocket was labeled with the name of the restaurant i work at, along with my black slacks. I shoved my arms into the sleeves of the shirt, buttoning it up all the way. I then took off my pants, pulling up the black slacks. I tucked in my shirt and rolled up the sleeves all the way up to my elbow, relieving the tattoos all along my arm.

I was a waiter/dishwasher at a local restaurant; I never knew how I got to be there in the first place because I rarely liked to be nice to people, if I had a choice, but surprisingly when I am at work, I seemed to be a whole other person, the good side of me. I've been employee of the month several times there and people actually liked me and came back to the restaurant because of the service I gave them.

My boss on the other hand, wasn't a huge fan of me because I didn't show up to work on time, I was rude to other people I worked with, and I smoked outside, when it was supposed to be a family oriented place where families can get away from that.

I moved around my room sluggishly and pushed my feet into my black work shoes, which were super comfy, and had one of those gel soles because I was going to be walking around a lot. After checking myself in the mirror, everything looked fine except for my hair that stuck out everywhere from sleep; I ran my fingers through it, fixing it the best I could, grabbing my keys and headed down stairs.

By now it was 5:30pm, my mom was in the kitchen cooking before my father would be home from work. I never really liked my father because he seemed to not care much about me; he was always at work and when he was home, he would be sitting in his recliner, wearing his Sunday's best which consisted of a stained white T-shirt, and shorts five sizes too small for him.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple sitting in the fruit bowl and bit down into its juicy flesh. The apple's nectar poured into my mouth, instantly quenching my thirst and hunger. I continued to eat the apple, softly hugging my mother goodbye; I wouldn't be home till midnight tonight, and after that I would go out clubbing; So most likely I would be stumbling into the house around four in the morning.

I walked out of my house and to my car who was waiting for me impatiently. I unlocked my car and got in, starting it, and pulled out of the driveway. I put my car into drive and drove down the road towards my work.


The restaurant was a nice sized placed with lots of seating and a huge kitchen that held all the workers who ran around, getting the customer's food ready. I pulled into the back parking lot where the employees were supposed to park and parked into the farthest spot away.

Slowly I got out of my car, locking it, and headed towards the building where I would be working for many hours. I reached the door to the back of the building, which would open to the kitchen, and there was a key lock; I pressed the code in and the door unlocked. I stepped through the door, into the busy kitchen: Welcome to Hell.

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