Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

(Stephan's P.O.V)

I knew Jayden was lying to me about something, but what, well that was the question now wasn't it? When I went to go pick him up the other day at the hospital he looked pretty sketchy, and when we got into the car he was really jumpy, but I never questioned it because I thought he was alright - like he said. He told me he was fine, but I've known him for so long, I think I know him better than he even knows himself. Then when I found those pills in his pants, everything just fell together like a jig-saw puzzle, but I have yet to figure out the answer I was trying to find.

I had searched for hours in his room once he left to go to college, until I heard his mother come home and I had to play it off that I was just waking up, and the most embarrassing thing was to tell her that I got drunk last night - it just seemed wrong to admit it to a parent.

When I got home I sat down in bed, thinking for hours about all the possibilities that would come with the doctor giving someone Oxycontin. I sighed in defeat after hours of thinking when I was interrupted when Anthony called me.

"Hello?" I propped my phone between my ear and shoulder, too lazy to hold it up.

"Stephan?" Anthony's excited voice came from the other side.

"Yeah?" I closed my eyes, rubbing my forehead in slight irritation. I really didn't want to deal with people right now, but I know Anthony was once my best friend and I needed to show respect to him like I did to Jay.

"Jayden asked me out on a date!" He squeaked slightly then calmed down quickly, trying to suppress the giggles that were held within. A smile broke out on my face; I knew Jayden would come around sooner or later.

"That's great," the smile still lingered on my lips as I continued, "is it a date or him inviting you somewhere with him?" Silence came on the other side of the line. I chuckled a little a spoke again when Anthony said nothing, "I told him to give you a chance."

"Thanks, Stephan," Anthony said sarcastically, "And here I thought he wanted to fix things with me." Anthony sighed and there was a soft 'thud' sounding as if he just fell down into his bed, pouting probably. "Anyways, what are you up to today?"

"Just some research."

"What kind of research?"

"For Ink, they want me to find some different designs to add to the collection," I lied and continued, "for the people who come in not knowing what they want to get."

"Oh, sounds fun." Anthony chuckled, yawning. "I'll leave you to it then. See you tomorrow, I guess?"

"Yup!" I said and quickly said my goodbye before hanging up. I felt bad for lying to Anthony, but it was better that he didn't know about any of this and sides Jayden asked me not to tell anyone about the visit to the hospital and now I was starting to regret it.

Defeated with trying to figure this out, I decided I would go to the hospital and ask the doctor himself. I grabbed my keys and cell phone, heading out of the house. I got into my car and drove down the road to the hospital.

When I walked into the reception area, automatically everyone who was sitting waiting for their relative, friend, kid, etc turned their head towards me then went back to whatever they were doing, slightly disappointed. I shook my head and walked towards the receptionist. Fortunately, it was still the same one as yesterday and she smiled at me, recognizing me as well.

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