Love me?

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During the dinner I got to know Penelope more. Carlos's Son was Elton. He was only a year older then Gabriella and the two of them were acting like little friends already.

I got to know Thomas girlfriend more and same with Marcos. They were very sweet and it's going to be good not to be the only girl in the family.

We sang happy birthday to Gabriella and had some cake. We were all back at the house now. My grandpa went to bed and so did the kids. Everyone else was sitting in the living room taking and drinking.

"So what have you been doing all these years?" Carlos asked

"Well I've been working on getting my own gallery open." I heard a chuckle come from my father who took a sip of his drink.

"What about you Killian? What possessed you to go to Florida and come back with my sister?" Carlos said with a smile.

"I had work there. I found out she had some photos in a gallery and went to see them..." Killian took a sip of his drink slowly looking to Carlos.

"You know Gabriella looks a lot like you" My Dad said sitting up in his seat looking to Killian.

"Shes 5 right?" Carlos  looked to me and gave me a look. But then it softened.

"Audrey." He said.

"You left 5 years did Killian." My Dad continued.

"That's right." Killian's voice got harsh  and I grabbed his hand.

"Is that why you threw away a good life? Is he why you didn't marry Daniel?" Killian got up fast and I jumped up with him.

"You know what Dad. I'm done. If you can't see that not everything is going to go the way you want it to..then your going to lose so much more."

"What are you doing Audrey? Do you think he cares about you or Gabriella?"

Killian got really close to my dad and stared him down.

"I care more for them then you think. That is my daughter that I will be here for no matter what you do. I love her and I love  Audrey and I will never stop." My heart sunk when I heard him speak.

Did he say he loves me?

"Let's go Audrey." Killian turned back around and grabbed my arm pulling me with him.

"Where are we going?" I whispered to him as he pulled me out.

"You'll see." He said pulling me out.

We got into a car and he drove off. I was so confused right now. Everything was going crazy in my head right now.

He said he loved me. Could I give him my heart again? Would he break it like he has before?

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