Inevitable (19)

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Camila let out a long sigh; goosebumps slowly raising on her skin, her breathing heavy, her heart racing. She had one of her hands pressed against the brunette's lower back and her other hand running through the woman's long brown hair, stroking it. Lauren, on her turn, placed delicate kisses on the Latina's protruding collarbone, using her tongue time or another to tease her. The light salty taste caused by the sweat was stirring her palate.

"We really can't help it, can we?" Camila asked rhetorically, looking up at the ceiling and remembering everything that had happened just a few minutes ago. Lauren shook her head, still focused on kissing the Latina's tanned skin. "And I must say... you look so sexy when you fuck angry."

Lauren let out a laugh, hiding her face in the crook of the Latina's neck. Her breath blew against Camila's skin, causing goosebumps on her skin. They had exchanged angry text messages before Camila said that she was on her way to the brunette's apartment, and received a rude response. But in the end, they ended up bickering for a bit and then in a matter of seconds, they were tearing off their clothes and having sex throughout the apartment.

It was simply inevitable.

"I look sexy in any way." The brunette whispered loud enough for the Latina to hear. The warm breath of her mouth hitting her tanned skin, made Camila sigh and tighten her arms around Lauren. "You can't resist me, that's a fact."

"You can't resist me either."

"You can be annoying, and a terrible actress, but you know how to fuck like no one else."

Camila burst out laughing, moving her short nails up Lauren's back until she reached her shoulders, where she pressed between them, feeling a little tension in the brunette's muscles.

"I'm one of the best actresses, if not the best, of this generation." The Latina bragged. "And I really know how to fuck. If there was a gift for fucking, that would be mine. Goddess of sex."

"You're so self-centered." Lauren tried to move away from her, but Camila was faster, rolling on the bed and getting on top of the brunette.

Their eyes met and the Latina smiled, using her legs to spread Lauren's and stay between them.

"And you're so hot."

They stared intensely at each other for long seconds, until neither of them could resist anymore and inched their mouths closer so they could kiss, initiating a long, sensual kiss. Their lips moved skillfully, in sync, fitting perfectly. Camila used her own mouth to caress Lauren's, lightly nibbling both of the brunette's lower and upper lip. She slid her tongue into Lauren's mouth, which eagerly received it. The desire was palpable, during the kiss as well as inside that room.

You could cut their sexual tension with a knife.

Nothing else could be heard besides sucking sounds, heavy breaths and wild hearts. There were no complications, no fights nor broken promises. They were just two women with a strong mutual desire and an endless urge to reach the absolute pleasure that a good fuck was capable of providing.

Fucking just for fucking can be interesting when you fuck well.

Just Camila and Lauren, surrendering themselves to the pleasures of the flesh. And unconsciously... to the desires of their hearts.


Lauren grabbed her pillow, hugging it as she closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. The Latina's fleshy and soft lips slid down her skin, trailing a sinful path towards her ass. Camila had her hands splayed on both sides of the brunette's waist, her wrists supporting her so she could continue kissing that smooth, white skin.

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