Get out (16)

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Lauren bit her lower lip, lowering her head. She didn't want to face Ryan, she wouldn't be able to handle his disappointed look as soon as she told him what she had done. She was feeling like the worst person in the world, besides being very irresponsible. Was Camila well enough to leave by herself? Would she be able to get home safely?

Lauren widened her eyes when her mind was filled with images of accidents. She ignored Ryan calling her, walking past him to get to her bedroom where she grabbed her phone. She unlocked the screen and searched for Camila's number, dialing it quickly. It rang, rang, rang and rang until it went to voicemail.

"Don't do this to me. Please." She murmured to herself, overflowing with anguish.

The brunette practically chewed on her lower lip, tapping her foot against the wood floor frantically as she heard the call ringing. Lauren pressed a button on her phone, dialing Camila's number again, but this time the call was rejected. She didn't know if she could sigh in relief for that or if she got even more worried.

I shouldn't even call her the same way she's never shown to care about me, the brunette thought to herself, trying to hate Camila, but at the moment all she wanted was a call from the Latina to see if she was alright.

"Are you going to explain to me what is going on? I..." Ryan walked into the bedroom, his hair messy/tousled and his face marked by the bedsheets. He wet his lips, approaching Lauren and sitting beside her on the bed. "What was Camila Cabello doing here? I thought you two hated each other." He asked, confused, because it was no mystery to anyone that Camila and Lauren were always bickering because they couldn't stand each other.

It was strange to see them together without it being in some award show or some other event like that. Ryan had often served as a shoulder to lean on to hear Lauren cuss the Latina with several names and complain about how self-centered she was.

"We still don't like each other." She said after sending two text messages to Camila, letting out a sigh in relief upon seeing that the Latina had visualized. "It's a long, troubled story."

"Do you wanna talk?" He asked, and she shook her head, locking her phone screen and looking at him. Ryan opened his arms, welcoming Lauren in them in a tight hug.

"I just want to sleep and forget that this day was real." She grunted against his chest, closing her eyes tightly.

Lauren would try to forget, but she'd never forget how coarse she had been by having sex with Camila to then dismiss her, a behavior she has always abhorred; treating her like an object.

Lauren would never forgive herself for having acted like Camila.

They say that karma always comes back to bite us in the ass, and how true that is!


Camila slammed her apartment door shut, she should feel relieved to be in her sacred place, but she couldn't. She felt an anguish in her chest, in a way that was suffocating her. So this is how we feel when we're treated like an object?, she wondered in thought. She never really cared about those things, all the women she had slept with, knew very well that it was something causal and that it wouldn't happen again. Maybe a few times, but no commitment. She couldn't get attached to anyone.

Camila was doing fine, her personal and professional life were in sync and everything was finally organized. It took her eight years to become the ice-cold stone she was today, unreachable, but it took only a few months in Lauren's presence for everything to fall apart.

She had never humiliated herself like that for anyone. And all because of sex? Camila knew that she could find someone else.

But no one compared to Lauren.

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