A losing game (18)

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Camila had her hands behind her head, relaxing. She had woken up early, but she was incredibly good-humored. Rare moments in her life. She opened the curtains and just lay there, admiring the beautiful view that her penthouse provided her with. She would never regret having spent so many thousands of dollars in that place, it was her comfort zone. Her own private paradise, and all conquered with her effort. Ever since she was young, she did everything to grow in life, to help her parents and to have the things she always dreamed of.

And she had, almost everything.

They wouldn't have to film that day, and Camila just wanted to stay at home enjoying her own solitude. It wasn't something sad, she just wanted peace and her own company. No one else but herself. Was there anything better than silence? Being able to just focus on your thoughts in peace, do whatever you want or simply not do anything.

Solitude was necessary, when healthy.

Camila couldn't remember the last time she had felt so good. If it was a while back, she'd never stay in her apartment alone for so long. If she wasn't with Dinah or Selena, she'd probably be with some woman. She always needed a distraction to not end up going crazy, but lately, a calmness had settled in her being.

It felt good to finally be in peace.

Her only desire was to spend some time in peace and quiet with herself, maybe read a good book or just put her tv series up to date. But obviously, other people thought differently, and Camila could confirm that when her phone began to ring. She rolled her eyes, grabbing the device to see who it was. If it was anyone else, she'd ignore it, but a call from Dinah should never be ignored.

Even because Camila liked her own life very much to risk it by ignoring Dinah's calls.

"Don't tell me I'm going to have to get out of bed right now. Please, don't do that to me."

"You're already awake?" Dinah sounded really bewildered, it usually took about ten or more calls for Camila to answer the blonde woman. "Are you accompanied?"

"No, I just woke up."


"Obviously." The Latina rolled her eyes.

"Wow, that's a surprise. But anyways, it's good that you're already awake, you have an interview at 2PM today. Get up and get ready, I'll pick you up in a bit."

"Dinah, it's still early." The Latina whined, she didn't want to get out of her bed to go out. She was so comfortable.

"I know, but you need to do something to that bird nest on your head. And I also need to go to the beauty-salon. You're paying, of course."

"You're trying to exploit me and you don't even try to be subtle about it."

"Subtlety isn't my forte, you know that. Now just go get ready, I'll be in front of your building in forty minutes."

"You know that's impossible."

"I don't care. Hurry up. Bye."

Camila sighed loudly, knowing that it was impossible to argue with Dinah. It was a waste of time, the Polynesian woman always managed to persuade the Latina.


Lauren, as always, was punctual, she had gone to the beauty-salon on the day before, and besides taking care of her hair by finishing removing the black color completely, she also did her nails. She looked at herself in the car mirror before getting out, quickly putting on her sunglasses as soon as she was showered with the flashes from the cameras. It didn't matter where it was, nor when it was, the paparazzi were always ready to take pictures.

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