Wolfs and demons (6)

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Going to the beach was always a great option for Lauren. There, contemplating the sea, she could think about several things. She sat down a few meters away from the water, it was pretty early, so the sun was still bearable. The brunette even tried not to think about the forbidden subject, but it was almost impossible to block the memories of that night. Her mind was invaded by bits and pieces.

The way Camila knew where to touch her, the touch of Camila's sweet lips on hers. The way the Latina had left her aroused after a few kisses. The brunette reprimanded herself every time she relived that brief moment she had with the self-centered idiot. But it was inevitable, she felt as if Camila's body cried out for hers... Running away from it was like trying to put out fire with gasoline. The sound of her phone ringing woke her from her thoughts. A smile settled on her face, she knew that ringtone very well.

"Ryan!" She spoke excitedly as soon as she answered the call and heard the laughter of the British boy echo from the other side. She felt her chest warm up, she missed him. She couldn't always be with Ally or Lucy, she was often alone and she wanted someone to talk to and to cuddle her.

"Hey, babe." He greeted, and she smiled, crossing her legs, sitting Indian style. "How are you?"

"Much better now." The brunette admitted, and the boy smiled on the other side. "How are the preparations for the tour coming along?" Lauren asked, really interested, and Ryan started talking excitedly about all the details, down to the smallest ones.

The brunette found admirable the way that the British boy felt good and happy with his job.


"For the thousandth time, Karla Camila Cabello! You can't go on a trip, Jesus Christ!" Dinah said impatiently for the hundredth time.

Camila insisted on asking the blonde to buy her plane tickets for a trip to Brasil. She wanted to leave the US, and nothing better than Brasil to relax. She loved Brazilians and they always made her feel at home. Her Brazilian fans even kept on asking her to buy a house somewhere there, and Camila really intended to do that one day.

"That really sucks, you know? I can never do anything." Camila complained sulkily and stomped to her bedroom. Dinah rolled her eyes and ended up laughing at Camila's childishness. The Latina sometimes really acted like a child.

Dinah wanted to be able to allow Camila to travel, but with the tv series commitments, she couldn't leave the country any time soon. The Latina should keep that in mind.

Camila entered her bedroom and threw her body violently on the mattress. Fucking bullshit, she complained indignantly in thought. She rolled to the side and reached for her phone, which was on the nightstand beside the bed. She unlocked the screen and checked her social media accounts. She was engrossed in her twitter account, when a specific tweet caught her eye.

*@RyanSmith: I miss you, baby cake... @LaurenJauregui*

She rolled her eyes at all that unnecessary lovey-dovey. She clicked on the tweet and saw how much their fans were freaking out. Jesus Christ, all this because of two beings in love?, she wondered in thought without understanding the reason for the bustle. Out of curiosity, she clicked on Lauren's user and quickly checked her tweets, a new tweet had been sent. Camila refreshed the profile and saw that it was Lauren's reply to Ryan's tweet.

*@LaurenJauregui: @RyanSmith I can't wait to see you, baby boy. I miss you too.*

"You can't even tell that she was hooking up with me one of these days." She sneered, with a grimace of disgust. "This can give someone diabetes." She commented to herself and threw her phone to the side. She was bored.

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