twenty seven

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Brooke's POV

We arrive at the police station, and Scott greets me with a warm smile. However, after getting closer he furrows his eyebrows and takes a whiff of my clothing. Seeing Stiles is a few steps ahead of us, he turns and whispers in my ear,

"Why were you with Isaac?" Scott questions.

My eyes widen, as Stiles glances back to see if we were following, "I'll explain later"

The deputy at the front desk buzzes us in, and we push open to door to Sheriffs office. Stiles hesitates before entering and looks between Scott and I. He's obviously nervous to open up the supernatural world to his father. I give him a reassuring nod and he continues into the room.

But, what we see inside Sheriffs office is a much bigger problem than explaining everything. Jackson and his father are sat inside, telling Sheriff how the two boys kidnapped him. Jackson gives us a smug grin when he sees us. Thankfully, I had nothing to do with it.

"Scott, Stiles. Perfect timing," Sheriff glares angrily, and sends me a sincere smile, "Hello Brooke"

"Hey, Sheriff" I grin nervously. He doesn't seem to be mad at me, so I think I'm in the clear.

"Have you met Jackson's father? Mr.David Whittmore? Esquire." Sheriff regains his angry look as he stares down his son.

Jackson leans forward on the couch he is at on, "That means lawyer"

Scott and Stiles exchange worried glances, and I cross my arms.

I don't think they are getting themselves out of this one.


Jackson applied for a restraining order against Scott and Stiles, and Sheriff let me off with a warning because "Jackson didn't mention your name, but I'm sure you had something to do with it". Those were Sheriffs exact words to me, even though all four of us said I wasn't involved. I felt like I was getting scolded by my dad.

Melissa was furious, telling Scott that he isn't allowed to hang out with Stiles and me. I think it's reasonable, considering we're the only thing Scott can't live without. Stiles found it outrageous.

Now, we are on the phone with Allison. Apparently Jackson attacked a pregnant woman and her husband inside their trailer. He killed the man but left the woman physically unharmed. Why? That's what we're trying to figure out.

Also, the Kanima doesn't seek a friend, he seeks a master. Whoever this master is, they're controlling everything Jackson does as the Kanima. That's why he doesn't know what he is or who he's killed.

Jackson still thinks he's becoming a Werewolf, and being with Lydia delayed the whole thing. The plan is to convince Jackson that he is in fact the Kanima, which is difficult considering the boys can't be within fifty feet of him.

So the actual plan? I have to talk to him. They're better off talking to him themselves and breaking the restraining  order. There's no way I'll be able to convince him alone.


Isaac's POV

"So, why do we need their help?" I question Derek as we walk through the lair. Erica follows close behind me with her arms crossed.

Derek told Scott,Stiles, and Brooke we would work together to find the Kanima and its "friend". I'm thrilled to be around Brooke more, but the other two idiots, not so much.

"Because it's stronger than I thought, and I still don't know who it is" Derek explains.

"And they do?" I ask, figuring that if they know, Brooke would have told me.

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