twenty three

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Brooke's POV

I wake up the next morning, finding myself in cuddled up into someone's side. I glance up to see Stiles, who's eyes are wide open and he is glancing down at me. My head is rested on his chest and his arm is around me. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes.

"I uh--woke up like that and thought you were comfortable, so I didn't move you" Stiles explains himself, sitting up uncomfortably.

I give him a smile, kicking my legs off the bed, "I'm hungry. Do you have cereal?"

He scoffs, "Is there ever a time you're not hungry?"

"No. Do you have cereal?" I ask again

"We carry it specially for you" Stiles assures me. I grin, skipping to the kitchen and scanning the cabinets.

I grab the box of Fruit Loops and pour myself a bowl. As I sit down at the dinner table, Sheriff walks into the room.

"Hey Brooke, I didn't know you stayed the night. How are you?" Sheriff asks, walking over to give me a hug. I accept it, but continue eating.

"Fine, and I'm going with Stiles to pick up his jeep. I figured it would be easier to just stay the night so I didn't have to wake up early" I tell him, making him chuckle.

Stiles walks into the room, greeting his father and pulling out the chair next to me. As he sits in it, Sheriff asks Stiles where he slept last night.

"I went to ask you something, figuring you would be up in your computer, but you weren't in you room" Sheriff smirks as Stiles's face flushes red.

I smile listening to him stutter, "Brooke and I were watching a movie last night and we both fell asleep"

I go along with the lie, because I'm not sure how he ended up in my room either.

"Alright, well you kids have a good day. I gotta head out" Sheriff buys it, not caring that Stiles and I slept in the same bed last night. Derek would have flipped.

We both say our goodbyes, and once Sheriff leaves, I turn to Stiles with a curious look.

"How did you end up in my bed last night?" I ask.

He looks embarrassed, "I had a nightmare"

I stifle a laugh, but when he looks at me with embarrassment I lose it. My laugh is loud and obnoxious, and he punches my shoulder.

"Shut up and go get dressed, or I'm leaving you here alone" He threatens me.

"Ooh, I'm so scared" I toy with him, tossing my bowl in the sink and marching off to get dressed.

Stiles and I are forced to walk to the shop, my car is at the Lair and his Jeep is obviously not available. It wasn't a far walk, I kicked a rock all the way from Stiles's house all the way to the shop. I was pretty impressed with myself.

When we arrived, the jeep still wasn't ready, which frustrated Stiles. So we sat down in the uncomfortable chairs and patiently waited for the man to finish working on the Jeep.

"Unbelievable. This is unbelievable. They said it would be ready by now" Stiles taps his foot furiously.

"It's fine, I'm sure it's almost ready" I point through the mirror at the man working on his jeep.

Stiles does a double take, widening his eyes when he sees the man working on the underside of his jeep.

"That's not what he's supposed to be working on, Hey!" Stiles shouts, jumping from his chair and running into the shop. I roll my eyes, flipping through a magazine as Stoles interrogates the man.

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