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Brooke's POV

So apparently all of my classes are with the boys. As I take my seat I front of Stiles and next to Scott, I send a text to Derek.

Whoever killed Laura, that makes him the alpha, right?

Derek- yeah, why?

Cause the new alpha bit someone last night. A teenager named Scott McCall.

Derek- you've got to be kidding me

I leave it at that, stuffing my phone into my pocket just as the teacher strolls through the doors

"So as many of you know, there was a body found last night. And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various scenarios on to what happened. But I am here to tell you, that the police, have a suspect in custody." The teacher tells us, causing me to look at Scott and stiles with curiosity.

"You can give your undivided attention to the syllabus! Which is on your desk outlining this semester"

I look over to Scott as he flinches, obviously hearing something.

"Scott what is it?" I whisper, but I already know what is wrong.

Enhanced hearing is the first sense you develop.

He looks around the room curiously, touching his ears. I see him look out the window towards a girl, and decide to listen to her. She is taking to her mother, complaining that she forgot a pen. She then hangs up and walks with the principal towards the school.

After a few minutes, the girl who forgot her pen walks into the room.

"Class, this is our new student. Allison Argent." The principal introduces her. She smiles and adjusts her bag on her shoulders.

Argent. As in the hunters. I could feel my heart begin to pound out of my chest.

When she begins to walk towards us, I fell my breath catch in my chest. Allison slowly and cautiously takes a seat in front of Scott.

Scott taps Allisons shoulder. When she turns around, he places a pen in her hand. She smiles gratefully.

I turn around to look at Stiles, who is holds a confused look on his face. I then face the front again, worry on my face

The rest of the class was about metamorphosis, which I didn't listen to

It was now in between classes and I am stood between Stiles and Scott. The girl I came to know as Lydia had just approached Allison and said that they were 'besties'.

"Can someone explain to me how new girl hasn't even been here five minutes and is already hanging out in Lydia's click?" A girl with dark skin approaches the three of us.

"Cause she's hot." Stiles answers honestly, making me slap his arm. I'm not sure why that was my first instinct, but it shut him up.

"What? Beautiful people here together." He says, rubbing his arm and giving me some sort of glare.

I Look over at Scott and see that he's listening to their conversation about a party. He obviously likes this girl, but the party is Friday. Friday also happens to be his first full moon.

"Let's go. Lacrosse practice, you know. That's what cool people do around this school." Stiles lets me know.

"Oh really. Should I join?" I ask.

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