twenty five

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Brooke's POV

I stroll into first hour, feeling good about this quiz I'm supposed to take. As long as I pass it, today will be a good day. But of course, all of those good thoughts fly out of my brain as I glance into the classroom and see the back of a familiar blonde headed boy.

Taking a deep breath, I take my seat in the seat behind him and pretend he isn't there. My plan fails when he turns around with his new signature smirk.

"Hey, Brooke. How's it going?" Isaac questions me.

I tense my jaw, "What are you doing here?"

"Jackson changed his statement. I'm no longer a fugitive" Isaac informs me, then looks to Scott and Stiles, who have also made their way into class.

Isaac then turns around and pretends he can't hear the two boys conversation about him. I just stare at Scott, not realizing what the big deal is. Yeah, I don't really want to see Isaac after what happened at the lair a few days ago. He was a jerk and I'm still mad. But he has the right to attend school just like the rest of us, so the boys are just going to have to live with it.

I spent the whole class period thinking about Isaac, which means I probably failed my test. Everyone begins packing their things up as the bell rings but I hang back a second and watch Isaac stand from his seat. He stops when he sees me staring at him, and I quickly gather my things and stand.

"I- I'm really glad you're back." I stutter, my heart beating a million miles per second. This confuses me, the only other person who makes my heart race like this is Stiles.

Isaac drops his smirk and gives me a genuine smile. I want to continue the conversation, but Scott and Stiles are waiting for me at the door.

I can feel their impatientness, so I turn to Isaac and ask, "Talk later?"

He simply nods. I send him a wave and follow the boys down the hallway. Stiles gives me a suspicious look, but shakes it off and starts talking about the kanima.

"I did some research on the Kanima, it's a werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers." Stiles explains, clutching his backpack that hangs on his right shoulder.

Scott winces, "That thing was not a jaguar"

"Yeah, and I'm not exactly a murderer!" Stiles shrugs, waving his free hand around.

"But you did see it kill someone, so maybe that's why it tried to kill you," I try. Seeing this caused Stiles to panic, I continue.

"It probably won't stop until your dead"

Scott bursts out laughing as we continue down the hall. Stiles stops to process the news, but speed up and says, "I'm really starting to question this friendship!"

This causes me to laugh, making him slap my arm. I turn and give him a little growl, his eyes growing wide and raising his hands in surrender.

I chuckle, "I'll see you guys next period"


Jackson approached Scott and Stiles last period and asked them about the Kanima. Apparently, Derek kidnapped and paralyzed Jackson just to make sure he isn't the Kanima. He thinks that Isaac and Erica are going to test Lydia in chemistry. If Lydia doesn't slip into a temporary paralysis, then she's the Kanima.

Also, Lydia completely freaked out when she was writing a problem on the board. Instead of the problem, she wrote "Someone help me" backwards multiple times. She also cried. A lot.

So here I am in chemistry, sitting with Lydia, Scott, and Stiles so that Erica and Isaac can't get to her. Unfortunately for us, today is a group project. We have to move table to table to make some sort of chemical crystal.

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