twenty one

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Brooke's POV

Derek clearing his throat from the subway car door entrance causes me to turn my head in his direction. It is the morning after Derek turned his first beta, and I am about to leave for school.

"Hey, you need to be leaving pretty soon," Derek reminds me.

I narrow my eyes at him, "What happened last night? What am I supposed to tell Scott?"

"You're not gonna tell Scott anything, okay? He doesn't need to know. Not yet" Derek tenses his jaw and takes a step into the cart.

"Was there more before Isaac? Do you plan on turning more innocent teenagers?" I stand up from my seat and look up to my brother.

"Isaac was the first" Derek answers half the question. Before he can answer the rest, he starts to walk away.

"Are you gonna turn more people?" I ask again, but he keeps walking.

I stomp my foot and shout, "Answer me!"

Derek stops in his tracks and looks at me over his shoulder, "Go to school, Brooke"

With that, Derek leaves the warehouse, and leaves me in the dark room. I cross my arms and follow after him, climb into my Camaro, and drive to school.


"I'm serious, it's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same!" Scott rants to Stiles and me as we walk to lacrosse practice.

"Oh, does that include the urge to maim and kill people? Like me or Brooke?" Stiles asks with an eye roll.

I scoff and shake my head. Scott couldn't kill me, even if he wanted to.

"I swear I don't have the urge to maim and kill you." Scott tries to persuade Stiles not to tie him up tonight.

"You know, you say that now, but then that full moon comes up and out come the fangs, then there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere. It's very stressful for me, so yes, I'm still locking you up." Stiles drops his bag to the ground in front of his locker.

"Okay, fine. But I do think I'm in more control now. Especially since things are good with Allison" Scott smiles, making me roll my eyes again. All this kid cares about is Allison.

Scott continues on about how things are good, and he means really good, with Allison. Stiles and I zone him out and look at each other with exhausted stares.

"Everything okay? You don't seem yourself today" Stiles places a hand on my shoulder.

I shrug his hand off, "I'm fine, how's Lydia?"

He seems surprised that I'm asking about her, but I just wanted to change the subject away from me.

"She's fine, home safe" Stiles nods, "Still no signs of you know what"

I nod my head and look to Scott, who opens Stiles's locker to see what he has brought to tie Scott up with tonight.

A huge, long chain falls out of Stiles locker. It seems to be never ending, the metal dropping from the top shelf and falling all the way to the floor. By the time the chain finally finished falling, all the boys in the locker room are staring at us.

Coach has made his way over to us, and is looking at Stiles in an unexpected way.

"Part of me wants to ask, the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine" Coach looks in between Stiles and Scott, not even glancing towards me. I scoff, wondering what exactly coach is imagining.

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