Chapter 20: The Prince Who Fell For Nia

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"The Akatsuki?!" The blonde's suspicions were confirmed, "Akihiko, I know who murdered your father. He's some creep named Kisame or whatever. Some of my friends at the Hidden Leaf fought with this guy before, ya know."

"Is that so?" The brown-haired man then attempted to stand, "Then so he lives... I must go off and continue on my journey to avenge my father."

"You can't," Nia helped the boy with his balance as he placed his hand on the bandages wrapped around his stomach before he fell onto a knee, "You need to let your body have some time to heal and rest. If you keep moving the way you are, your wounds may reopen and you'll bleed to death."

Akihiko continued to be in pain and gritted his teeth, "I... had recently escaped my responsibilities as the new feudal lord a few days ago and sought after the man who murdered my late father, but... as I had became exhausted and took a short break, I was attacked by several ninja who mistaken me for their enemy and vanished as soon as they realized I was not their target."

"Oh man... talk about bad luck. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time." Naruto gave his sympathy.

"Yeah," Nia agreed, "It's a good thing we found you when we did or else you'd probably be dead by now."

Suddenly, Akihiko gazed the girl deeply in her dark brown eyes and squeezed her hand.

"Young maiden... I have also been on a journey to search for a lovely lady who'll have my children..." He told her earnestly, "Since you have so graciously saved me from death, I hereby must ask for your hand in marriage. For you are beautiful indeed."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Naruto's eyes nearly came out of its sockets as he heard the proposal.

"Me? Beautiful?" Nia began to blush as Akihiko nodded his head, "And you wish for me to become your wife? Wouldn't that make me a-"

"Yes. You shall be queen and shall have my children as we'll raise them to be great princes and princesses." The handsome young man then kissed the girl's hand as she became extremely flustered by the gesture.

"Me a queen? I mean I couldn't possibly-"

"HOLD ON A SECOND!" Naruto suddenly came in between the two as his interruption caused Akihiko to be forced to let go of Nia, "YOU CAN'T JUST CLAIM HER AS YOURS ALL OF A SUDDEN!"

"Pardon me. You must be her lover then I take it? My humblest apologies, good sir."

"L-Lover?" Nia looked up at the blonde as her cheeks became red.

"GWAAAH! THAT'S NOT IT!" Naruto immediately became embarrassed and denied everything.

"It's not...?" Nia seemed to be upset with this and lowered her eyes.

"Come on Curly Brow, don't give me that look," The blonde then tried to console her though he didn't know what bothered her, "You're killing me over here."

"I see..." Akihiko then pushed Naruto out of his way and once more held onto the kunoichi's hands.

"Then... you shall become my wife then?" He gazed deeply into her eyes again as Nia was flattered that such an attractive guy had found her desirable so suddenly, "Become my wife and settle down with me, Miss Nia."

"How old are you?" The girl chuckled as she sweat dropped.

"I shall be eighteen in that of one month, my maiden."

"HEY!" The genin got back up and interrupted the two for a second time, "You have some nerve pushing me outta the way like that, ya know!"

"If you wish to fight for the maiden's heart, then I shall grant you permission to fight me for her love!"

Light In You || Naruto Uzumaki Love Story ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें