//14// Allergic

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Chrissy Teigan is one lucky woman to have a song like All of Me, dedicated to her. Which girl wouldn't want an entire song written to her and only her? And it's a bonus if the person she loves wrote it

As we finished, we heard a chorus of claps behind us. A series of hoots and and 'oh my god that was romantic' followed. That was, one easily recognisable voice. The oh, so lovely voice of Louis.

He was and is my favourite. Don't even try telling Zayn that.

Zayn went over to them and gave each of them a hug. I did too. Louis wiggled his eyebrows and smiled in this weird way, which caused me to laugh and raise my eyebrows up at him. He leaned in closer and crept down and whispered in my ear "In love?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, unable to say anything. There was a catch in my throat, as it would always happen whenever I hear All Of Me. And of course, Zayn sang it.

Louis frowned and went over to the place where they all sat down. They soon became oblivious to the world around them, focusing on Niall as he rambled about this hot girl he saw in Starbucks.


Soon enough, Simon came in and controlled that. He shot me a smile, because that was the only thing he could do as the boys were on top of him. I smiled back and left them to their own privacy, their world, where no one else is present.


I came downstairs and went straight to the sofa and plopped onto it. My head was feeling really heavy and i felt that my heart was on my throat.

Now why would that happen?

Maybe because I saw Simon. Modest! Management always scares me.

They, along with Aunt Suraiya and Zeha, ardently loathed my marriage to Zayn. According to them, I was too plain and there is nothing special in me. I couldn't be taken to Zayn's award functions because critics would be complaining about me and that would affect Zayn's already weak staus quo, as he has already lashed out at a few paparazzis. I could just be a disgrace to him.

Though Zayn tells me its not true, I have started to believe that. I shouldn't be out with him much. Its not good. For him

"Aly!" A cute adorable voice broke my train of thoughts.I turned around to meet with a pair of beautiful eyes, mouth opened to reveal her beautiful smile and her teeth. Lux Atkin, stood right in front of me.

"Lux" i exclaimed, happy that she was here. I scooped her up onto my lap and kissed her chubby cheek. She raised her hands and put it around my neck and looked up to me, blue eyes sparkling, " Cuddle?"

''Of course Lux can have a cuddle'' i said, as i sat myself up in a more comfortable position, my hands securely around her tiny body. I wrapped up my arms around her tiny body, and pulled her close to my chest, and let her snuggle. She sighed in content, and lifted her head up, yet again and said "Lux love cuddle"

I smiled and pinched her tiny noise. It's amazing how kids are happy for no reason at all. And how well they can make you forget things.


Lou soon came, looking for her daughter and sighed in relief seeing her. Lux hopped of my lap and ran to her mom. Lou picked her up and twirled in a pirouette, and kissed her forehead. I smiled at the sight.

Lou came over to me and kissed me in the cheek. '' Hi babe. How are you?"

"I am fine Lou, what are you doing here?"

You and I //Z.MOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora