//36// Mia

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"Aliya. Lets go" Mia said, as she tapped her feet.

"Yeah. I am ready" I said, checking my appearance one last time on the floor length mirror.

She huffed in annoyance. I chuckled, yelled a goodbye to everyone and shut the door behind me.

She fake gasped at me. "I literally forgot where we had to go because you took so much time to get ready." She snorted.

"Oh shush you" I said, slapping her shoulder. She laughed, putting her shoulder around me as we started walking.

Mia Josè became my newfound best friend after coming to Ireland. Originally from Spain, Mia is a very, very sweet child. But when she's angry, all you can hear is a string of curse words.

"How's your boy?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"My boy?"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't you act all nonchalant. I am taking bout' Dev, señorita"

The town library was slowly coming to the view. The town library was where me and Mia worked part time. Was where we met for the first time.

"Oh. He's fine." I said.

She wiggled her eyebrows yet again, as we passed the signal.

Just next to the town library, there was a big post on One Direction. About their tour dates and what not. And how much ever I tried to not look in his face, I couldn't help it. My eyes only wanted to find him.

"Al." Mia said.

"Uh.. Yeah?" I said, shaking my head and then looked at her.

She sighed and pulled me forward with her. "Forget about him Señorita. He is not worth your thoughts."

I kept quiet and moved on forward, walking into the library.



I always liked book signings.

But not today. I didn't have a mood.

I stretched my lips yet again as another fan came with her book to get it signed. I signed it with a short message and smiled up at her again.

This was tiring.

But nevertheless, I kept on doing it. Maybe among the crowd of girls, just maybe, she would be there. Not by her own will. She will never be here by her own will. But just by chance. Just by a tiny chance.

Louis nudges me by my elbow as another girl approached us. I smiled at her and signed her book off.

"Zayn. They will understand that you are not being yourself if you smile so much. Be the mysterious man." Louis joked.

I looked at him, and slapped his shoulder. "Shut up Louis"


Day by day, they missed each other just too much. Aliya and Zayn didn't want to miss each other, but they ended up doing just the same.

Zayn was sick of this life, he had to look happy while he was dying inside. His insides kept on telling him that she is here, somewhere. But didn't know whether to trust himself.

Fate doesn't leave a question mark to those who were meant to be together. Or does it?


This is disgustingly short. I an sorry. I couldnt think of anything. My mind is blank.But I promise I will update by today or tom,morow itself.

This story just needs 13 more votes to reach 770 votes. Can all of you all vote? I am already working on the next chapter.

Skyler Samuels plays Mia. She is <3. She played Gigi in Wizards of Waverly Place and she was also in Nine Lives of Chloe King (God that one was :"\)

Aand, I will most probably be doing daily updates. Or alternate day updates. I promise. Who's excited?

Love to all of you who stick with my irregular updates

Aliya 💖

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