//2// Perrie

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After Zayn said that we could go home, I was flying. I flew the whole day. When Tricia asked me to help her wash the dishes or when Yaser asked me to help him wash the car, I did it, with a stupid grin on my face. Waliyah asked me whether I had a million bars of chocolate cause' according to her, I was ' too high'.

Later in the evening, when Zayn woke up, we told them that we were going to my house. Doniya, Waliyah and Saffaa were not too excited about it but they later on gave in. Tricia and Yaser readily agreed cause' it has been really long since we went, and they thought I needed a break. After that, I went to our room and packed all Zayn's necessity items. I didn't pack anything for myself, cause, hey its my house! When Zayn saw the things I packed, he was not happy. He removed all the clothing I put in and replaced them because he thought that they were too 'worn out' and some of them he had 'already worn'. So, practically he emptied the whole bag and did it himself. Zayn and his Vanity. Period.

Then, we bade goodbye to all of them. Saffaa made us promise her that we will be here by the time of her drama. Then, Zayn forgot his wallet, and by the time he was coming out, he looked at himself in the mirror and saw that his quiff was messed up so he did it all over again. Sigh.

Finally after all that, we hit the road.

The ride home was awfully quiet. Except for the rain that was hitting our windows. I have always been very close to the nature. Rain has always enchanted me, like Louis' voice. Rain brings different emotions to different people. Rain, has always bought a sense of clarity to me. I always thought that the earth is full of dust and is dry. Rain settles the dust, washes away the dirt and makes the world green. It inspires creativity in poets and artists. But right now, it is making me feel tensed. Why is Zayn really quiet?


It was raining. The rains always bought a sense of happiness over me when I was with Perrie. She loved the rains. She would always get out of the house and go and dance under the rain. But now that she is not there in my life, rain infuriates me. It was one of these rainy days that I met her, one of these rainy days that I proposed to her, one of these days when I told her that I am getting married to a person I have never seen.

I will never say that Aliya took me away from her. Aliya is that missing piece that I found during this journey of life. During the fame, the cash, the lights, I could never trust on anyone. A friend, that's all I had wanted, be it a girl or a guy. That's when Aliya came. She is one of those persons who anybody will want as a friend. Her understanding heart, her lovely smile can help anyone during their darkest days. She could be an angel from god, for all I know. Everybody finds it weird, why I can't vent my anger on Aliya, cause they think that she is the reason that I had to give up on Perrie. But no one tries to understand that even she was as oblivious as I was for the fact that we had to get married. Just think about it, coming home from school, getting told you are getting married to someone who you haven't met. Well it was different for Al cause she was getting married to ME, as in Zayn Malik. But she didn't know who I actually was. And maybe, she never will.

I turned to my right to see Al, deep in thought, probably thinking why I am quiet. The driver was driving really slowly as if we were a part of an action movie.

Aliya has always told me that, even after the marriage, I can have the life that I wanted. She meant that,to the world we could be husband and wife, but in real, I could actually continue my thing with Perrie. Apparently, she was a Zerrie fan. But the management also told me that I was not in the public eye anymore and this marriage thing can actually give me some attention. And also, it was an arranged marriage so it was real hot news. It hadn't been easy on Al, the hate she received from Zerrie fans were intolerable. By reading the the things they have written, we can never say that they are normal teenagers. And Al doesn't deserve any of that hate. It wasn't her fault that our granddads were inseperable friends. Maybe Al and me can be that type of friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

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