//32// Uneasy

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Zayn chugged down the entire bottle of water after his run. He set it down on the kitchen counter as he heavily breathed out. Running his hands through his sweaty hair, he decided to have a bath.

As he passed the living room, he saw his mum seated on the couch, reading a book.

"Zayn?" Tricia called out, wanting her son's attention.

Although almost everyone got used to Zayn's nonchalant behaviour, Tricia didn't. It hurt her so much to see her son in such a state. So devastated. So vulnerable.

"Yea mum?" He answered.

"Come here" Tricia said, in a soft voice, patting on the empty couch next to her. A part of her feared that he wouldn't. He blocked almost everyone out of his life after that day. He built strong, unbreakable walls, which even she, as a mum, couldn't break.

Zayn-hesitantly at first- slowly walked towards where she was sitting and sat down next to her. He looked everywhere, but at his own mum's eyes.

"Do you have a tour tommorow?" She asked him, slowly, choosing her words carefully.

Zayn nodded. "Ireland." He said, in a monotonous voice.

Tricia nodded. "Why didn't I know of this before?"

Zayn looked down in shame. He realized that he hasn't talked to her for...a long time. To his own mum.

"Have I lost the right of a mum Zayn?" She asked.

Zayn looked up suddenly to meet her tear-glossed eyes. His hand rose on their own and wiped off the stray tears on her face and kissed her cheek.

The mother-son duo, on each other's arms, weeped. The filtered emotions and love for 2 years came out pouring all at once. Zayn felt lighter, a feeling he hadn't felt for 2 years.


"She still is waiting for you Zayn." Tricia said, as she added the drop of lime in his tea.

Zayn, gladly accepting the cup of tea, asked "Who mum?"


Zayn felt the pit of his stomach rumble at her name. It was not that feeling that you get when we fall in love. The uneasy feeling. The feeling that we get when we held a person a guilty, when it was not their fault, in any way, whatsoever.

He shook his head. A part of him wanted her to be still waiting for him, in some part of the world. He could find her, apologise till his heartbeat last.

But, a part of him wanted her to move on in her life. Find a person who will love her, take care of her and most importantly, never question her purity. Her innocence.

Although that person, could never love her more than Zayn. Never understand what will be going on in her mind.

No one can ever do that. Just no one could even dream of doing that.



"How was your day?" He asked her, glee oozing in his voice.

Aliya always wondered how Dev could be so cheerfull all the time. She need to take classes from him.

His happiness is just so contagious. She always tried to fake a smile whenever people came and talked to her, but with Dev, it's altogether a different story. A smile always found a way on her thin crimson lips.

"It was good.'' She answered, smiling.

Dev rolled his eyes, "Right. I know just how interesting Equities and memorizing equations can be." He said, and shook his head right after.

Aliya laughed, a genuine laugh.

He smiled, happy that he made her laugh. Whenever she laughed or smiled at one of his lame jokes, he felt as if he was in seventh heaven. It took him flying all the way to space and right back.

As her laughter died down, he asked "Let's go?"

She nodded and got in the car, with him opening the door for her.

Dev came and sat in the driver's seat and closed the door and took off to her house.

Aliya traced her eyes on his features.

His unshaven beard stood out from all his other features.

He was good looking. He was really good looking.

But never matched up to Zayn. Her Zayn.

Aliya's glance tore off from Dev as soon as she thought of Zayn. He was still her weakness. Her vulnerability.

And no one could take that place. No matter how much she moves on, how much she tries to find a new beginning, how much ever Dev makes her smile


I know it's short. I also know I am bloody late. Writer's block is hitting me real bad. :/

I am sorry. Forgive me? :'/

On a happppppiierr note, Y&I hit 13.1 K! Thank you so much. I love each and every one of you!

Last, I am so jobless. Ask me some questions lol. I am not like really jobless but yeah. I feel like answering questions lol.

So yeah. Shoot.


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