//39// Insinuation

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(Daily updates whad up? You guys liking this or should i like stahp?)

And, just to clear things up, Aliya is 20. Zayn and Dev is 21. Okay? Okay

The fault in our character's ages.

And, this the chapter where the blurb is gonna be. :)


When Dev heard her voice treble behind the phone, his heartbeat accelerated twice. He knew she was a vulnerable person, a broken glass, a frail flower. And he also knew he had to be there whenever she needed him.

He never felt the need to care for anybody before her. He never waited as long as he did for her to break her walls, to let him in. Even though she didn't completely let him in, he was there in her mind. And that fact made him happy. The progress was ridiculously slow, but rock steady. Dev often wondered why he was still waiting for her, he was far too non-patient for this.

But this was her, she made him do things he never imagined he would do. She taught him to love the small things in the world. She taught him to be happy with whatever he has. He felt normal around her. He felt he could be himself around her. He was never recognised as the Dev-son of and so and so- infront of her. She accepted him just the way he is. Because she was entirely ... different. She was worth every wait in the world.

Her tear stained face broke his heart into minuscule pieces. He was ready to drag a dagger all over to Zayn Malik's house and stab him. He was furious that someone made her cry. Her always smiling face fell because of an idiot.

He cracked all the lame jokes in the world just bring her back to her. As awful as that sounded, it was true.

She was the pain that he had. That sweet pain someone experiences when in love. Her smiles became his strength, those were the anchors of hope for him.

"Lets go?" He asked and gave her his hand. She got it and came back to her foot. She never really left his hand as they walked back into the car.

He was quiet during the entire ride. His behaviour invoked doubts in her. The always rambling Dev was quiet. She didn't quiet like it.

"Dev" She called out.

"Uh-Yeah?" He answered. Looking at her through the corner of his eyes.

"Talk to me?" She pleaded.

He smiled. The fact that she wanted him to make his presence felt made him happy. She made him happy.

And so they talked about everything and nothing. And Dev didn't want anything more.

"I will see you later Aunty. Bye" He yelled after dropping her at her house and sped tobhis own.

After reaching his house, he took his coat off and hanged it on the coat hanger. His mum came out from the kitchen and smiled at the sight of her son.

"Dev? Where did you go?" She asked.

He shook his head. "Nowhere Ma. Aliya got lost. I went to find her."

She nodded understandingly. She loved Aliya like her own daughter. Aliya was all she ever wanted in a daughter, that is if she had one. But she was happy she found someone as precious as her.

"Papa ate?" Dev asked, after washing his hands and sitting on the table as the butler bought in the food. Dev smiled at him and mouthed a 'Thank you' to him. The butlers were there from the time he was born, Dev became close to them than his own parents as they were never there to look after him. As a child, we tend to be more close to the people who looked after us. Dev did just the same.

You and I //Z.MUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum