//22// Incredulous

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[Warning: Zaya Moments! You are gonna be sick and not go to UNI/School because of their cuteness.]

[Ji: In Hindi, it used for addressing a person with respect. Like, if you add ji at the end of a name, it gives a sign of respect]

[Sasryakal: Punjabi greeting]



I don't know how many shots I've had. All I know, is that, it's a lot.

And when I saw her, my wife, the one that I love so much that I go crazy in my own feelings, I lost it.

My stupid sense of pride and ego.

I don't remember telling her that she looks just amazing. A look which I have never seen. Aliya in a dress. She just looked perfect. It fit her in all perfect places and blue was like her colour.

She seemed drunk. Her giggle and tears made it kind of obvious. But I really couldn't care less. It didn't matter to me that she was drunk, though I wish I had seen it when I was sober enough.

Enrique's voice blasted through the speakers. Everyone single one on the dance floor grooved to 'Bailando'.

"I love this song, Zayn." Aliya exclaimed, her eyes lighting up like fireworks. "Keep me praying, keep me hoping that tonight don't stop." She sang and giggled. God, I am in love in with that sound.

The loud music irritated me, for some unknown reason and so I pulled her out of the area and went to another, quieter room, where no one was present. "Hey?!" She exclaimed.

"I was listening to the song." She huffed in annoyance. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Meanie. Enrique is much better than you." She pouted and sat on the floor, nose scrunched up. I went to kneel in front of her when suddenly my cigarette packet fell from my pocket.

She took it in time and stared at it and then have it back to me. I put in my pocket. "Why do you smoke? It's not good. It's make your liver a juice. Like liver juice."

I laughed, throwing my head back. "It's because of my tension. I get tensed really easily. This clears out things from my head for a while."

She tilted her head to the side, "What tension?"

"It started with grandad's death. Then the fame and fans and right now......you."

I can't believe I just said that. Well, it's the intoxicated me.

She frowned and her eyes were filled with tears to the brink. Oh no, don't cry. "Me? What did I do?"

"Make me go crazy about you. I can't sleep properly neither can I eat with the small thing that eats inside me. It makes me go crazy that I can't call you mine. How I can not officially call you mine."

She stared at me, deep and hard after that. For not even a sliver second did her eyes tear off mine.

But then, unexpected happen.

Her feather like lips came in contact with mine. And before I could process what was happening, she pulled back. A small smile played on her lips. A type of smile which I have never seen before. For a nanosecond, nothing in this world probably mattered. She ignited a spark in me, a spark which I knew nothing of.

"Al...." I mumbled, not understanding anything. She giggled incredulously, before getting hold of my collars and pulling me in for another kiss. But this time, it was the kiss

Getting rid of my shock and scared that she will pull away too soon, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her, cocking my head to the right, I kissed her deeper, cherishing every single mini second of this moment.

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