"Horrid?" Yoongi blatantly offers with a grunt. He is never one to tiptoe around obvious truths, no matter how awful they are, "Pungent? Revolting? Decrepit?"

      "Yeah." Jin agrees with all the options, shuddering as a rat scurries across the street and under the porch of the house. Yoongi doesn't give the creature a second glance, but Jin steps a little closer to his friend, "Did it always look like this?"

      Yoongi shrugs and digs his hands into the front pocket of his sweatshirt.

      "Sometimes worse." Yoongi's usually monotone voice brims with anger, and Jin's brows furrow worriedly, "It looks like he cleaned up the lawn, but he probably just threw most of his trash in the backyard."

      Jin's eyes scan the neighborhood, uneasy about the sullen silence, but Yoongi's eyes are solely fixed upon the building in front of him. With one last deep breath Yoongi steps forward with Jin close on his heels. The pair trudge down the worn dirt and weeds lawn; Yoongi steps with purpose, his dark eyes sharp as tacks.

      Jin warily follows his dongsaeng up the rickety steps of the porch, his much taller form hunched over as he grips Yoongi's arm. Yoongi doesn't notice the new attachment to his left arm as he pounds on the front door without hesitation. Yoongi's heart beats wildly in his chest as he finishes knocking, and his chest tightens in anxiety as they wait for someone to answer the door.

      Yoongi knows who he'll have to face in order to win her freedom, and he doesn't know if he's ready to face them. He's seven years older, and seven years wiser, but the scars are still there. And Yoongi knows that they won't even truly fade.

      Yoongi frowns when no one comes to open the door, so he knocks again; this time with twice as much force.

      "Old man, I know you're in there! Open up!" Yoongi shouts, his scowl growing with every passing second. Jin glances at him with worry, but Yoongi ignores him in favor or yelling some more, "Now! I don't like waiting, and my patience is wearing thin!"

      "Fine, fine!" A muffled voice slurs from somewhere inside the structure, "I'm coming ya stupid ******!"

      The door swings open with sudden force, and both Jin and Yoongi feel the sudden urge to vomit from the vile smell emanating from inside the house. A short pot-bellied man with a face similar to a bulldog's slouches against the door frame. His cheeks are red from an overabundance of alcohol, and his breath is worse than a dog's. He looks like he could've been handsome decades ago if he wasn't quite so... brutish.

      He scowls at the two people on his porch, his awful expression making his horrendous appearance even worse. His dark slanted eyes that are filled with so much hate look exactly like Yoongi's. But Jin isn't surprised.

      It is his father, after all.

      "Whaddaya want, punk?"The man growls, glaring at Yoongi with a look that would send most people off screaming in fear.

      "You know what I want," Yoongi spits right back, his tone venomous. Although Yoongi is much younger and a hundred times more handsome than the man in front of him, he is somehow scarier in every way. Yoongi's glittering eyes promise death if he doesn't get his way, and Jin knows better than to doubt Yoongi's ability to carry out threats.

      "I don't have any money, punk." The man drawls, a bit of his beer splashing out of his mug as he drunkenly sways, "You know-"

      "I don't need your filthy money, you old drunk." Yoongi snaps, his temper flaring up even more, "Where is she?"

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