An interrupted Kiss.

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She says winking her eye at Pee. Penelope blushes in response.

"As for you handsome, hum!"

She says as she drags her fingers across Kai's chest, the imagine upsets me. However, the lack of interest in his eyes eased my nerves.

"Strong, hot, and stern. You are Kai Bishop. Witches everywhere are dying to meet you."

She smiles.

"Great to know you have done your research!"

I blurt out with frustration.

"Since you are stating facts and opinions, I have a few I would like to share about you."

My mouth keeps going. I just could not help but ramble. I am fueled by rage.

She turns around like a teacher in school when a student calls out in class. I could tell she was annoyed with me, good.

"I almost forgot about you"

She snaps kindly.

"Let's see, raven hair, innocent yet feisty, stubborn yet extremely beautiful. You're Ava Clarke, also known as the Heart of the Royals. I can see why all men fall at your feet. Tell me, Ava, how was it to find out after all these years you were lied to by everyone you love?"

I felt her words stab into me like freshly sharpened swords and I grew furious. My body became boiling hot, and I was about to explode.

"You bi—,"

I step towards her.

"Whoa, whoa Ava, come down."

Says Kai running in between me and this girl who I was about to hurt.

"You have to relax, your eyes, Ava look at them."


I turn to look in the oversized mirror behind the desk to see what my eyes are doing. There they are, staring at me. A pair of glowing lilacs. I blink a few times trying to make them go away but they wouldn't.

"How?" I ask.

"When we trigger our element it happens. It can happen at any time if we let our emotions overwhelm us"

Kai informs me.

The thought of this happening at giving moment was nerve-racking. Say if it happens at school or the mall or anywhere for that matter. Say if a bunch of people see me change. The possibility of them rejecting us is high. They would probably try to experiment on us or maybe even kill us. I do not want to risk exposure, we all know I am the last one who can control their emotions.

"It's a shame you know so little about yourself, aren't you mad or hurt by your mother's actions?"

I don't know what this girl's problem is with me but I can tell she doesn't like me. That was fine with me because I am not a fan of hers either. It has nothing to do with the fact she dates Hunter. It was the fact that she was asking questions not even my own friends felt comfortable enough asking. That's because they knew how touchy that topic is with me. However, before I could give her a piece of my mind a blonde girl spoke out.

"I think you should stop right there!"

Demands Tatum as she grabs Cali's arm.

"Excuse me?"

Cali responds as if she's done no wrong.

"You have no right to talk about my aunt or to bring up something so crazy in such a short time of knowing us. Who gives you the right!? We don't even know you. And we are the Royals you should show some respect to your superiors."

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