I shouldn't have done that!

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When I get outside it is freezing and dark I could barely see a thing. I pull out my phone to text Tatum.

ME: Hey Tay, thank you for standing up for me to night.

Tatum: Anytime! I will not let any man hurt my cousin. Not even Kai Bishop!

Me: Thanks. Just know I don't want what Kai and I having going on mess up y'all relationship. I know you both are besties.

Tatum: Kai is an ass. He deserves the silent treatment at least for a week.

Me: OH! NO! Not the silent treatment! Lol.

Tatum: lmao! Yup. I don't play games.

Just then I get another text message.

Hope: Yeah, are you okay?

Me: Yes. I am okay.

Hope: That got crazy pretty fast.

Me: I know...

Hope: You just broke up with Kai! I think he is in the bathroom crying.

Me: Well, he shouldn't have embarrassed me like that.

Hope: No, I agree. He knows Ginger has always treated you horribly. I don't know why he thought dancing with her was a good idea.

Me: I don't know either.

Hope: Men can be so dumb lol.

Me: lol I know.

"Ping, Ping!" My phone goes off again.

Penny: YO! You got her good I think she has two black eyes lol.

Me: Where are you?

Penny: gathering all the gossip, of course.

Me: lol.

Penny: Someone said you hit her so hard that her head  turned around like the Exorcists! Lmao!

Me: Norms and their imaginations.

Penny: lmao right!

"Ping, ping"

Tatum: Hey, I was going to take you home but I am going to stay back and hang for a bit.

Me: the party is still going?

Tatum: of course were in high school! Lmao.

Me: lol okay.

Me: I am assuming the girls are staying with you?

Tatum: Yeah.

Me: Gotcha. I had three drinks so I am just going to walk home.

Tatum: 24/7

Me: are you kidding me?

Tatum: nope! Hunter is heading out to you now.

Me: I'm surprised he wasn't out here already hiding in a bush. Lol

Tatum: lmao. He just tried to give you some space for a minute.

Me: gotcha! See you later! Be careful!

Tatum: I will, laters. Love you!

Me: Love you more!

I lock my phone and shove it into the pocket of my not so warm cloak. I look at the house door and Hunter hasn't come out yet. That's odd he is normally not tardy. I felt a chill down my spin. It was cool and different then anything I felt before. I turn around and all I see is the dark woods across the lawn. It was hard to make anything out it was so dark. I don't know if I am freaking myself out or theres someone standing next to a tree watching me. I hate the dark because it always plays trick on your eyes. Unsure I start walking backwards towards the house. I start of slow and then pick up speed. BOOM! I back up into someone or something and I let out a scream.

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