"Nothing." He said, taking a step closer.

"S-stop it." I squeaked, pressing myself back against the wall.

Reaper only took another step closer.

"What's the matter Princess?" He whispered.

I tried to answer, but I couldn't seem to form any words. I just opened my mouth and shut it again, genuinely not being able to say anything.

"Your at a loss for words? How cute." He chuckled.

He took another step, placing a hand by my skull, he was leaning over me, that smirk still clear on his face.

I'm pretty sure my face was bright red and I could feel myself sweating in anticipation.

"W-Whatever your planning on
d-doing, just get it over with." I growled.

He smiled, leaning a bit closer. "Okay, if you insist~"

I let out a surprised squeak as he leant completely down and our 'lips' touched.

I internally painicked, what do I do? How am I supposed to react?

I felt Reaper smirk into the kiss as he pushed me against the wall, making me blush even harder.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back, melting into it.

I don't know why, but it felt so good.

Eventually Reaper pulled away, making me whine in disappointment.

"You liked that huh?" He muttered, tracing a finger across my flushed cheeks.

I nodded wordlessly, trying to catch my breath and calm down from what I had just experienced.

Reaper seemed amused by my reaction.
"Aww was that your first kiss?" He asked smugly.


"No. It wasn't." I lied. He didn't need to know the truth.

"Hmm, you seem awful flustered if that's the case." He said, still smirking.

"Shut up." I mumbled, trying to change the subject. "What about Tori, aren't you and her-"

I was cut of by Reaper kissing me again. "Let's forget about her for now. I'm sure she won't mind."

---Time Skip---------------------------

---Reapers POV----

Geno had fallen asleep a while ago. We had both ended up getting in his bed (damn that was fast) and he had quickly succumbed to sleep, curled up to me, his head resting on my chest.

I stroked his 'cheek' with my thumb, tracing small circles and spirals. He purred, leaning into my touch.

I smiled, he was just so cute.

I had never actually been dating Tori, as far as I was concerned we were just really good friends. And I've been gay for a long time now. I've just never mentioned it to anyone.

"Reaper..." I heard Geno mumble.

I looked down at him, he was staring up at me, a sleepy expression on his face.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"Don't you dare leave me for that Goat bitch."

I laughed at the seriousness in his voice.

"And what makes you think I'd do that?"

"Just promise you won't." He huffed, clutching my sides and pulling himself closer to me.

I hummed in amusement at his expression.

He continued to glare at me. "Alright alright I won't." I chuckled.

"Good." He mumbled.

I smirked and pulled him closer so he was practically on top of me, he let out a squeak of surprise and I smirked, nestling my face into the crook of his neck.

"Reaper?" He asked timidly.

"Mmm?" I lazily responded.

"I- I um, I-"

"Love you too princess." I sighed, smiling at his flustered response.

"Wha- that's not what I was-"

"Shhhh." I mumbled. "Go to sleep..."

He grumbled against my chest, shifting so that he was more comfortable before closing his eye, and drifting off to sleep.

"Night Reaper..." He whispered.



Man this was short.
Did you really think that soriel would happen. NEVER!
Afterdeath for life guys!
Sorry for making some of you angry😥

Criminal Conflict (An Undertale sanscest story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon