Kuroo Tetsurou ~ Save

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The sky was cloudy and dark.

Tetsurou walks down the empty road with his hands in his pockets. The keychains on his bag making a clink! noise every step. He continues walking until he reaches the familiar house he grew up in. He looks over at the neighbors' house.

It's too quiet.


She was like a gift from above.

Kenma and Tetsurou found her playing by herself outside of their homes once upon a time. Everyday since they met, she always had a smile on her face. Her smile seemed to glow brighter everyday. She was kind to everyone she met, was responsible and always told the truth.

As they grew up, she became more of a woman. She was stronger, more confident, but she never lost that child in her. She would have moments where she was absolutely amazing then she became a cold, harsh person. Sometimes he felt like it was "that time of the month" to which she would slap his arm hard.

She was determined.

After wiggling her way into becoming the Nekoma boy's volleyball team's manager, they always hung out.

Of course, they did before being childhood friends and all but this was... different. He saw her in a new light. Perhaps this was because they're in high school now, but she always found ways to make his heart beat uncontrollably.

She was there at every game, not caring about any tests or student council activities. She was always there. To see him. Of course, she was there to support Kenma as well but the moment she shouted "Tetsu!", he knew it was for him.

She was intelligent.

Although Tetsurou needed no help in his studies whatsoever, he always enjoyed her soothing voice telling him about VSEPR shapes and hydrogen bonding. In all honesty, he was attracted to it.

He would stare at her face while her mouth moved, speaking about different chemistry topics. All he could think about was when he made her his. When he could finally wrap his arms around you and never let go. When he could finally capture your lips with his. But his pride let him down. He couldn't do it, especially with the pressure from everyone around him.

She was an angel.

The game was 25-23

He brung his knees up to his chest, resting his head on them. After assuring his team they would win next time, he allowed everyone else to leave so he could clean up. Kenma eyed his suspiciously but said nothing.

Tetsurou wasn't one to let out all his feelings in front of everyone. He put on a smile and faced the world no matter how scarred his heart was. But she saw through it.

"Tetsu, you did wonderful."

"You worked your hardest."

"I know you'll win next time."

He's heard those words multiple times, but now it feels real. When they came out of her mouth, he really felt she was passionate about his goals. She was his savior.

She was mine.

He held her close, as if she was his life line.

She said yes.

She was his now, and he was hers. Tetsurou wished he was satisfied but he still wasn't. He wanted to do everything with her by his side. He wanted to be by her side when she felt down. He wanted her to rely on him. He wanted to know if she felt the same way he did. If she could feel she could do anything with him with her.

He loved you.

She was too young...

It was summer break, Tetsurou's final year in high school while she and Kenma had another year left. Kenma had gone to a relatives house with his family so the two love birds were left to themselves.

As they walked down the streets of Tokyo, his arm tightened around her waist. His gut told him something was wrong.

"What is it Tetsu?"

Her heavenly voice pulled him out of her thoughts. He gave her a smile, saying it was nothing.

As they walked across the street of the city, she let out a large gasp.


Tetsurou struggles to get the key into the lock. He was shaking, tears flowing down his face. He opened the door to his empty house and flopped on the couch. He should have payed more attention to his surroundings. He should have been the one to push her away. Why couldn't he move? Why couldn't he help her? Why did he stay frozen on the spot even after it happened?

He remembered the bland hospital, his tears streaming down his face as he begged her to wake up. He held her small hand with his large ones, squeezing and kissing them every now and them. He thought she had a chance, the heart monitor gave him hope.

_ /\ _ /\ _ /\ ____________

She saved me.


I kind of wrote this in like 20 minutes so it isn't very good. I was just reading a bunch of sad Hetalia fanfics so I felt my depressed writer in me feel the need to write.

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