Cole Brookstone ~ Changed

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Let's travel back aaaaaaaalll the way to season 1, when Cole gets his TRUE POTENTIAL!

This takes place in Season 1 Episode 9: The Royal Blacksmiths.

And yes, most of the dialogue is actually from the episode. So, again. ALL OF THIS BELONGS TO LEGO, NOT ME. I AINT ORIGINAL.

Cole rings his father's doorbell, after being scolded by him for not using it.


Lou opens the door smiling, "Aha, come on in, son. It's been forever." He pulls Cole into a hug and looks to Kai, Jay, and Zane behind him. "What did you bring? A quartet?" He gestures toward the door. "Come in! Come in! I've got a kettle of honey-lemon tea on the stove right now."

The ninja walk inside the house and sit on the couch. Lou gives the boys each a cup of tea and plays the phonograph. Old music starts to play, Jay nods his head to it while Cole groans.

"Did my son tell you I broke my foot? It was the cha cha but I swear the percussionist had it in for me." Lou says, using his walking stick to emphasize his words.

"No dad, I didn't tell them about your silly stories..." Cole says. Lou frowns.

The boys talk to Lou on how to get the blade cup. He responds with earning it by winning the Ninjago Talent Show.

The doorbell rings, "Mr. Brookstone! It's me!"

Lou grins, "Ah, she's here!"

Cole raises and eyebrow, "Who's here?"

Lou gasps, "You don't remember? She was you best childhood friend! You two were inseparable!" He shouts to the door, "You can come in!"

A girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair and shimmering (E/C) eyes walks into the room and hugs Lou. "Hey Mr. Brookstone. Good to see you again."

Lou chuckles, "Same to you, (Y/N)."


"(Y/N)?" Cole says, slightly shocked. She releases Lou and looks to Cole. Her hands shoot up to cover her mouth, her eyes widening, "C-Cole?"

She runs to Cole pulling him into a hug, which he returns.

Lou smiles, "I'll be in the dance room once your done!" He walks off.

(Y/N) holds onto Cole tightly, "Where have you been?" She looks over Cole's shoulder, "and who are these guys?"

He lets go of her slightly, just to see her face, "It's kinda a long story..."

She smiles, "I've got plenty of time."

They sit down and Cole explains what had happened since he ran away. He introduces each of the ninja and tells a few stories on the adventure so far.

"Well, you've sure gone through a lot!" (Y/N) laughs. "So, a ninja? What about the whole thing about your dad wanting you to be a performer?"

(Y/N) and Cole were very close when they were younger. They would tell each other everything, so she knew how Cole didn't want to be like his dad.

"Cole's dad still thinks that he is in Marty Openheimer School of Performing Arts." Zane speaks up.

You frown, "Cole, you can't lie to your dad... That's wrong..."

"I-I know... but don't worry. I'll figure it out." Cole assures her.

"What are you doing here in the first place (Y/N)?" Kai asks.

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