Parker Rooney ~ Parker?

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👋 Hi.

This is going to suck (I say that about everything I write XD) so plz give me your honest opinion. Thaaankkss

Also, this takes place in Season 2-ish. (I don't like Val sorry :P)


Parker Rooney.

His name echoed in your mind ever since the day you moved. 

You used to live in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. It was where you were born, where you grew up, where you made friends. 

That's where Parker came in.

You met him in 2nd grade when he had freaked out at the sound of thunder during class. As his seat partner, you tried to calm him down and you succeeded. Ever since then you became great friends; pranking Joey, doing karate (you were they only girl in the class which made Parker extremely protective over you when his friends would jokingly flirt with you), making inventions that turned out horrible, watching "Linda and Heather", make him listen to your book rants, etc. When he wasn't with Reggie, the duo would cause mischief around town.

Until you moved of course.

Now, you didn't want to move away from your childhood friend, but your father just happened to get a promotion and was relocated to Malibu, California. 

Figuring out how to say goodbye to Parker was pretty hard and it didn't help seeing that you had a huge crush on him. You didn't want to tell it to his face that you're most likely never going to see each other again. So what's the next best thing? Don't tell him at all.

A year and a half later you figured that was the worst decision ever, but the past is the past and you decided to focus on the future.


It was a nice day outside so your parents made you go out to the beach because it isn't "healthy" staying inside all week.

Pft, mortals... (a/n muggles, mundanes, pansycakes, whatever you want)

You called up (B/F/N) and now were walking along the beach, pushing each other and laughing. In the distance you could see a figure that looked vaguely familiar. 

"Oo! Who's that? I've never seen him before." (B/F/N) said. 

You glance at her, "Really? I feel like I've seen him somewhere."

"Hmm, let's go talk to him!" She grabs your hand and pulls you towards the boy. He seemed a bit taller than you with dark brown hair. Up close he seemed even more familiar, but you couldn't put think of a name.

"Hi!" (B/F/N) says, still pulling you along. The boy turns around and smiles, "Hey!"

He looks at you, his brown eyes showed familiarity. "(Y/N)?" He said shocked.

Your eyes widen, "Parker?" 

His smile widens and jogs over to hug you. You obviously return the hug, smiling in his shoulder laughing slightly. You note that (B/F/N) had left (giggling a bit) so you promised to yourself that you would thank her later.

"I never thought I'd see you again..." He whispers, "Where have you been? At first I thought you were abducted by aliens or something..."

You laugh, "My dad got a promotion here so we had to move. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

He pulls away slightly, "But... why didn't you tell me?"

You hesitated, "I... was scared. I thought that maybe since we wouldn't see each other anymore you would just give up on our friendship..."

Parker nods slowly, "(Y/N), I've been friends with you for years. There's something else you're not telling me."

You stare into his eyes, contemplating if you want to tell him your feelings for him. He stares right back at you, his brown eyes melting into your (E/C) ones. Slowly, your faces get closer until you can feel his warm breath on your face. You blush at the contact.

After a while, Parker's lips finally come crashing down onto yours. You're taken aback slightly but kiss him back, feeling his soft lips. The kiss lasted a few seconds but it felt like hours. He pulls away, looking into your eyes.

You smile softly at him, "I-I didn't want to tell you because I had a huge crush on you and.... I didn't know how to say it..." 

He smiles, "It's okay. We're here now. Together."

You held hands and walked together on the beach laughing and recalling old memories from long ago.



¿Como estas?

Estoy mas o menos.

Lol sorry about that. :p 

And the horrible ending but #yolo

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