Percy Jackson ~ Not Happening

528 16 11

Requested by Element_the_super


"Nope, not happening."

Jason pulled you away from your best friend, Percy, again for the third time this week. It wasn't that he thought he was a bad influence. Jason and Percy were actually great friends. It was just that Jason was a bit overprotective over his little sister, (Y/N).

Which, if you didn't notice, is you.

"Jason! You can't keep doing this! Percy's my friend too, why can't I hang out with him?" You ask.

"Because there's a chance you might start liking him!" Jason exclaims.

You pout, "And how is that a problem?"

"If you two start dating and you break up then its most likely going to ruin the relationship between us three." Jason says.

You sigh, "Whatever Jase. I'm going to the cabin."

Jason nods, "Sure. Just-" He hesitates. "-know that I love you. You're the best sister ever. But please don't tell Thalia." 

You laugh, "Mm hm, I love you too Jason. I think Leo wants to talk to you." 

He turns to see his best friend waving his arms around, trying to get his attention. Jason laughs and waves you goodbye, jogging over to Leo. Suddenly, someone grabs your arms and pulls you to the side of your cabin. 

"Piper? What are you doin-" Piper cuts you off, "I'm going to get you and Percy together without Jason noticing!"

You laugh, "Piper how is that ever going to work?"

Piper smiles at you, "Just you wait (Y/N). You'll see."


"Hey, (Y/N)."

Well, you recognized that voice anywhere. You turn around smiling, "Hey Percy what's up?"

He breathes in and out as if he was nervous, "Well, I wanted to tell you this for a while but Jason kept interrupting..."

You give him a reassuring look, "You can tell me, what's up?"

He sighs, "I-I like you... like a lot." 

You stare at him for a while. His face was slightly red and his black hair covered most of his eyes as he was looking down.

"I like you too."

He smiles looking up at you, "Really? Well, uh... would you like to be my girlfriend?"

You laugh a little and hug him, "Yes! I would love to!" 

He hugs you back, "How are we going to keep this from Jase?"

You smile, "I think Piper will take care of that."

At that moment Piper walked behind Percy, giving you a thumbs up and a wink.


Hallo (・ω・)ノ

Sorry this was super short, I don't write much

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