Iceland ~ Grýla

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Merry Christmas lolol



It was about 4 o'clock in the morning. Mathias runs down the stairs of the Nordic household in a holiday onesie, his large grin plastered on his face. Lukas and Kay tiredly walk down from behind him, still in their pajamas.

"Stupid Dane, you're too loud this early in the morning." Lukas mutters, immediately going to the kitchen to make coffee for himself and hot chocolate for his girlfriend.

Kay nervously smiles. "Merry Christmas Matty. You could be a little more quiet." She whispers the next part. "You might wake up Mr. Puff-"


"Damn it."

Mathias bounces on the couch. "Can we open presents yet!?" He creeps up onto a large box that's under the tree. "This has my name on it~"

Kay slaps his hand. "No! You have to wait until everyone gets here!"

He sticks his tongue out. "Then I'll just wake everyone up!"


Lukas comes out of the kitchen with to steaming cups. "Happy Holidays kjære."

The country smiles. "Merry Christmas to you Lukas." She takes a sip of her hot chocolate. "I was wondering if we could invite (Name) over for present opening? I'm sure Emil would love it."

Lukas ruffles her hair. "Anything for lillebror." He puts his cup down and goes to the house phone to call up the personification of (Country).


*Ding Dong*

"Emil could you open the door?" Kay asks, organizing the presents with Tino. Berwald was in the kitchen quietly baking holiday cookies, while Mathias was tied up and had has mouth taped up by Lukas.

The quiet nation nods. When he opens the door his face lights up. "(N-Name)! What are you doing here?"

The girl smiles warmly at him. "Merry Christmas Emil! Lukas invited me for present opening."

Lukas snaps his fingers and all of (Name)'s presents appear on the living room floor.

"Impressive Lukas!" Tino says excitedly. 

"YO LET'S OPEN SOME PRESENTS! Oh look who's here~"

"Mr. Puffin, shut up." Emil says. He smiles nervously at (Name). "Come in."

(Name) walks into the warm household, greeted with the smell of Berwald's surprisingly amazing baking.

"Merry Christmas (Name)! We'll open presents in a while." Tino says, undoing the tape from Mathias's mouth. Once it was off, he immediately talks.

"Merry Christmas (Name)! Hey you're with Emil! Did you know in Iceland they have this myth where this lady ea-"

"Mathias! Shut up! It's not your place to say anything about the myths in my country..." Emil snaps, crossing his arms.

"But you can tell me, right Emil?" (Name) asks innocently, eyes shining. "I'm really curious."

Emil gives in to her eyes and sighs. "In my country, there's a myth where a monster named Grýla eats the bad children right before Christmas." He looks off to the side.

(Name) smiles. "Wow, is that actually a myth in your country? That's so cool! I wish we had cool stories like that..."

Emil looks at her a smiles a bit. "O-Oh, um thank you." A red hue spreads across his pale cheeks.

"Gather around everyone! It's present time!"

Everyone gave each other gifts, each unwrapping exactly what they asked for.

(Name) looks up from her new iPod Tino got her, to see Emil shyly holding a box out to her. She smiles, gently taking the box and opening it, revealing a (thing you want a lot).

"Emil!  This is exactly what I wanted! Thank you so much!" She grins at him lovingly while he blushes harder. He then kisses her lips quickly.

"Thank you for being good this year, or else Grýla would have eaten you. I don't know what I'd do without you. Merry Christmas (Name)."


Wow I wrote this in 10 minutes this was really bad.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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