{Special!} Parker Rooney ~ Oops?

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Requested by: Vikk_is_mine_Star123

This is really short :P  I'm not good with details; sorry

I still haven't watched season 2 :P sorry season 1 we go!


Parker x Sophie


"Oh really? Ack, thanks Joey!" Sophie says, smiling.

"No problem! This prank is going to be epic!" Joey enthusiastically responds.

She smiles. "I couldn't have done it without you. I should go, Parker is probably waiting for me."

"It's cool. I'll be hiding out somewhere videotaping everything!"

Sophie laughs. "You do that. Bye Joey."

After he answers with his own goodbye, Sophie hangs up and tries to act casual when walking down the stairs and opening the door.

There stood Parker Rooney in all his glory. He was his usual t-shirt and shorts with a large smile on his face. 

"Hey Soph! I wanted you to be the first person to check out my new invention!" He says happily, "it's a machine that will do all my chores for me!"

Sophie raises an eyebrow. "So basically it's a machine to get you out of your responsibilities?"

He nods, laughing shyly. Sophie smiles knowingly and they leave across the street to where the Rooney's live.

Once they arrive Parker immediately takes Sophie into the backyard. Thankfully, Sophie kept her giggles in or else the entire plan would be a fail.

Before any of this, Joey Rooney told Sophie regarding how Parker was boasting on about impressing her with his new invention. Of course, she couldn't pass up the opportunity to pull a prank, even if his intentions were sweet.  

Parker takes of the sheet from of his invention (which was strategically put back on by Sophie herself) and loudly announced the machine. "Behold! I give you, the Parkernator!"

The machine was a Parker-sized robot that was actually pretty impressive. Of course, she had already seen the gadget but her acting skills covered that up.

"Oh wow Parker! It looks amazing!" Sophie says excitedly.

Parker gives her a cute smile. "Thanks Soph. See? Look at it move!" He uses his controller to try to move the robot but it didn't stir. He furrows his eyebrows. "That's weird. Umm hold on." He goes to the back of the robot and opens the control panel. 

Suddenly, a cloud of flour appears making Parker fall back onto the ground coughing a bit. Sophie couldn't hold her hilarity in and burst out laughing. Parker looks up at her and gives an evil glare, still smiling. "Was that you?"

She gives him a nod, still laughing.  "Oops?"  

He chuckles. "Well than, I need to get revenge!"

Sophie dashes into the house as Parker runs after her. 

"Woah woah! Slow down!" Mrs. Rooney says as Sophie runs upstairs.

"Sorry Mrs. Rooney!"

"Parker you too!"

"Sorry mom!"

Sophie continues running until she gets cornered in the living room. Parker rushes forward and starts to tickle her, making Sophie screech and laugh loudly. She tries to escape his grasp but she falls onto the couch dragging him on top of her.

"Stop stop! I'm sorry I'm sooorryy!" Sophie giggles. 

Parker stops tickling her. "Promise you won't sabotage my inventions again?"

She smiles nodding. "Yes I promise."

He grins at her. 

Soon enough the two find themselves in a compromising position; Parker on top of Sophie. Both of their faces turn red as Parker rushes to get off of her.

"Uh sorry." He says.

"It's fine." She answers back, tucking  a strand of hair behind her ear.

The two teens sit on the couch awkwardly. Soon Parker speaks up abruptly.

"I like you."

Sophie looks up, her eyes wide appalled. 


Parker nervously scratches his head. "I... like you. Ever since the days in second grade when you helped me sneak materials in for a toy robot I was making." He chuckles. "We were so cute and innocent at the time." He looks up directly at Sophie. "I didnt make that robot just for me. I made it so I could impress you."

Although she already knew the purpose, she couldn't help but feel something in her heart. "I like you too Parker."

She doesn't see anything else but Parker coming closer and giving her a quick but loving kiss. 

Both of them blush and smile looking in each other's eyes before engulfing the other in a big hug.

What they didn't know, was that Joey was still videotaping the entire thing.


Aha now I only have three drafts instead of four :3

I'm literally sitting on my bed eating Chex mix while typing :) Also, the amount of times I've had to use the thesaurus to avoid repetition of words is crazy. AND THAT ONE LINE "couldn't help but feel something in her heart" UGH SO CHEESY

Next should be Haruka Nanase and the Nordics. (And Mal too if I get another message)

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