Dipper Pines ~ A Misleading Compliment

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(This isn't my picture....found it on the internet...)
This is for a One Shot thing for billcipherpines2019


-Your POV-
I sat on Mabel's bed, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom so that we could go to Greasy's. SHE IS TAKING FOREVER!
After waiting for about 10 minutes, Mabel finally walks out and gives me a huge grin.
"Come on, (Y/N)! Let's go! Dipper is already waiting!"
I roll my eyes, "I'm already ready! It was you who was taking so long!"
She giggles and sings, "Is it too late now to say sorry!~"
"Yes, it is... NOW COME ON!!"
I grab Mabel's hand and run out the door. It was a long walk to Greasy's diner, so we talked mostly about Stan's mystery tattoo. Dipper has been obsessed with finding out what it was for the past week. We arrive at the diner and see Dipper sitting in one of the booths.
I turn around to see what the noise was until Mabel shoves me into the booth.
"Candy and Grenda need me for....uh.....something! It's just you and Dipper now! BYEEEE!" Mabel runs out the door, leaving me very confused on what just happened. I look to Dipper, who gave me a nervous smile.
-Dipper's POV-
Yes! The plan worked!
Mabel speaks to me through the secret earphone I wore, "Remember Dip... Funny, yet sweet!"
Mabel was hiding in a bush, behind the diner.
Got it... Be funny and sweet!
(Y/N) looks to me, I clear my throat, "U-um... Sooo..."
She gives me a warm smile, somehow I felt more confident. Mabye a bit too confident...
"They will never find your body...." I start. (Y/N) looked afraid, slowly sinking in her seat. I smile,
"More beautiful than I do you lovely thing!"
She smiles at me, then giggles. I think I did it!
"Hahaha, SPARKLE!" I finish, she giggles again. I get up from my seat and give her a beautiful rose. (Y/N) looks at me nervously, gets up and kisses my cheek. I can feel myself blushing.
"Thanks, Dipper..." She says. This is my chance!
I slowly lean in.
I kiss her.
She kisses back.
This is literally the best day of my life.
"HEY GUYS!!" Mabel shouts from across the diner. (Y/N) and I pull back, blushing and nervously laughing.
Mabel narrows her eyes, "Did you two.....kiss..." I nod my head, intertwining my hand with (Y/N)'s.
Mabel squeals, "FINALLY MY SHIP IS SAILING!!!"
I chuckle and turn to (Y/N), rubbing the back of my neck,
"Umm.... Are we...." Before I finish, (Y/N) kisses my cheek,
"I would love that, Dip."
I smile at her, and we all leave the diner.
Best Day Ever.


HORRAY! Another One Shot!
LOL.... Thomas Sanders!
445 words

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