{Special!} Connor Stoll ~ My Guide

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Requested by @kittyfriend303 as a thank you :3

It's really bad, but I say that about everything

Also ^^ everything I'm still working on is up there so yay?

Connor Stoll x Miriam
"Another child of Poseidon.....Per.....Death......Tour"

Inside the Big House, Chiron was discussing with Mr. D on what to do with the new girl.

Which is me, if you couldn't tell.

I had just arrived from an orphanage with a satyr named Rose. Before that, I've been at that orphanage all my life. The workers there only told me I was kidnapped from my original family. When the kidnapper was found, they couldn't find my family. Rose had saved me from that house of endless teasing and harassment.

None of the kids liked me, probably because I had ADHD and dyslexia and was favored by the workers. But hey what can you do.

Chiron opens the door, Mr. D trailing behind him. "Alright, Miriam we'll have you move in with your brother soon. We just have to go over a couple of things."

They told me that Zeus basically didn't want me alive (which really helped my self esteem) and that I should stay away from air travel. They called up Rose and she led me down to the cabins, helping me with my stuff.

"Next week will officially be summer, so your brother isn't here at the moment." She tells me smiling. We set down my things in the corner of the room near the end of the bed. The other side had another bed with a horn thing and some other things I really don't know what they are.

I nod. "What's his name?"

She looks over with an excited look. "Percy Jackson! Oh, he's basically a hero here! You're so lucky to be related to him."

Percy Jackson.

That sounds so familiar.

Rose looks at the clock in the corner of the room and sighs. "Aw man! I have to go. I have satyr things to do. I'll have on of the campers give you a tour."

I raise an eyebrow. "I thought there wouldn't be anyone here? It seems pretty quiet."

She waves her hand. "Some of the campers either stay for the summer or come early. No worries! Your tour guide will be here in a jiffy!" She dashes off.

I sat on my bad, arms crossed waiting for the tour guide. Gods, now I actually have to socialize.

A couple minutes later someone knocks on the door and a head pokes in. It was a really good looking guy with brown hair and shining blue eyes. He gives me a grin.

"Hey, are you Miriam?"

Gods, that voice.

I can feel my face get warm. "Yup, that's me."

He smiles wider. "Alright then. I'm Connor Stoll, son of Hermes. Y-You want to get going?"

I nod and follow him out as he shows me around camp.


"Thank you so much for the tour Connor."

"I-It's not a problem!" He says smiling. "Um, do you want to train so time? With me? Together? I mean-"

I laugh. "I'd love to Connor."

He sighs in relief and grins. "If you ever need anything, I'll be in my cabin. You know where to find me. Talk to me about whatever. If it's about camp, or even if you just need a friend. I'll be here."


Summer Vacation has started and I was absolutely nervous about meeting Percy. Connor had told me all about the heroic things he has done last summer. Though it was only his second summer, he was pretty well known at camp.

And so was I, as I was another child of the Big Three.

I outside with Connor and his older brother Travis. I was turned away from Connor with my face on the ground, Travis rubbing circles on my back snickering.

"Aw come one Miri it was funny!"


At that moment Travis slaps his hand on my mouth. "Hey hey love birds, keep it PG and clean for the kiddos!"

"What kiddos! And love birds? No way in a million years!"

Yes way and please as quickly as possible.

Travis sighs knowingly and looks away. He seemed to have noticed something and turns back to us. "I think Percy is back."

You were about to ask him what he meant but Connor had already grabbed you by the arm and dragged you towards three people. One of them had sunglasses and very messy hair. One was a girl with blond hair and stormy grey eyes. But the last... he had black hair and sea-green eyes.

He was very familiar.

The boy looks at me in confusion. "Hey, have I seen you somewhere? Your facial features..."

Connor pushes me forward. "Uh huh, whatever. Anyway this is Miriam! And she's your sister!"

Percy and the blond girl's eyes bulge out. "SISTER?"

I give him a shy/nervous smile. "Um hi."

He shakes his head. "Not to be rude. But my sister? Isn't that supposed to be against the rules with the Big Three? I mean Poseidon already broke it once, but again?"

I shrug. "I'm still new to this so I'm not sure. I grew up at an orphanage and have no recollection of my past. All I know is that I've been kidnapped from my original family."

Percy went into deep thought. "Mom always got really upset when someone mentioned a kidnap. And she always acted as if there were two kids in the family. But..."

There was silence for a while, but the blond girl slaps Percy's head. "OW ANNABETH!"

Annabeth sighs. "You're hopeless Seaweed brain." Aw nicknames. Cute. "It's obviously she's your actual sister."

Everyone gives her a blank look, she sighs again. "I asked Percy's mom if she ever wanted another child once and she told me she didn't want to lose anyone else. Using that and what Miriam said about her being kidnapped it's pretty obvious you're siblings. Plus, you look similar."

Percy and I look at each other for a while.

"Oh." He says. "Um I've never had a sister before... so I'm sorry if I'm not a good brother to you." He smiles. "I'm glad we could meet each other finally. Mom will be so happy, if you'd like to come home with me."

Brother. Mom. Home.

Those were nice words.

Connor puts a hand on my shoulder. "She'd love it." I blush a bit and smile at him.

Percy notices and a small smirk appears on his face. "As a brother, I should also be pretty protective about you. Do you.. always hang out with Connor."

Our faces immediately turn red. "I-It's nothing like that!"

He laughs and the trio bid us a goodbye saying they needed to speak with Chiron. Connor and I stood in silence, our faces still red.

"Do you... want to go out sometime?" He finally asks. "I mean.. I could get permission from Chiron to go... to the theatre?"

I give him a shy smile. "I'd... love that Connor."

He sighs in relief and gives me a grin.

Suddenly a bucket of red paint falls on top of Connor, maniacal laughter coming from behind a cabin.


I just got your messages~

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