Chapter 46 - Blood Flows

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"Ma'am all weapons are to be surrendered before boarding," Hunter said seriously.

"Your fucking with me, right? Where do you think I'd fit a piece in this fucking penguin suit I left it in the car, Eva." Mario was pissed and rightly so.

I had no more patience left as I snapped, "Do as he asks Mario. I know you have a knife on you."

Maria looked suspiciously at me, so I rolled my eyes. "Carmine fired his gun in Papa's car, and it's their helicopter their rules." I stepped forward fast and pulled the hairpin out of her hair. "All weapons Nonna!"

"You would have me without protection Evangelina?"

"You are safe with me, Nonna." I slipped it into the clutches back pocket very carefully. "It's laced with poison, Hunter, I'll hold onto it."

"What about him Eva you think he came empty-handed?"

"Of course he did he's not fucking stupid like you. Jesus Mario, it a fundraiser you're armed, to the teeth, its no wonder that our family, has a bad reputation. I'm trying, my hardest to improve it, and you do this! I'm so disappointed."

"Fuck off Eva you're worse than me, and you know it." I laughed at him because he had no idea how far I would go to my comeuppance.

While the elevator doors open onto the roof, I chuckled. "Normally yes, but not tonight bro."

We made our way onto the chopper Kayde sat in the pilot's seat as no one, took any noticed him. Hunter slid the door closed and, hit the side, moving out of the way we lifted into the air.

"Where are we going, Evangelina?"

"Sit back at enjoying the sights, Nonna. Isn't Chicago beautiful, all lit up at night?"

Her eyes began to harden. "We still need to talk about tonight, Evangelina this will not change that fact."

"Please, not now. Let me enjoy this. I never do anything fun," my voice took a pleading tone.

"We are not ordinary people Evangelina you are first and foremost a Bettini. And don't you forget it!"

"Evangelina is a Mancini, now Maria or did you forget?" Elmo ground out while I slipped my gloves on stretching out my fingers flexing them.

Maria didn't like being, out in the open it made her feel exposed. I guess I'd ripped her right, out of her comfort zone, forcing her to the states. The look she threw at him, filled with such hateful contempt. "That mistake can be rectified easily."

Placing my hand on his, I controlled my anger. "No one gets to make that choice for us, not you or papa. Emilio is not all bad, and he does have some good points. And like me just probably wanted to marry someone he loved and, not a virtual stranger." With a deceitfully, deranged, backstabbing, murderous, fucking, family!

"Eva, you're going to defend him after all he has done is hurt you," Mario said while he glanced at us.

"Stay the fuck out of my business Mario, and keep your opinions to your fucking, self." My gaze levelled on him. I hated the fact he and, everyone else babied me.

"Eva, you would pick, him over me?" Hurt laced weaved around his words. I had to be stronger than them all. I would not waiver, this late in the game. No matter how tired, and drained I felt.

I was ignoring Mario's comment. I loved him with my whole being. He only knew a small part of Papa's betrayal. "We don't have time for this we're here I can't wait, to see your reactions."

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