28 - Try Me

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Evangelina & Emilio: Sicily


I wasn't much for sleeping in strange places, so last night I'd crept downstairs with a blanket. The porch swing my destination as the crisp early morning air snaked around me. However, I wished I hadn't overheard what I did the night before. Sybil's words kept running through my head while I'd curled under the thick blanket. Those first rays became brighter as voices raised while doors slammed. A set of feet thundered through the house as I recognised the hushed tones.

"What is with all the racket?"

"The goose is about to be slaughtered?" Omero seemed pleased with himself. I was just plain confused as I Stretched. "What's the time?"

Stefano stood. "Trouble sleeping again?"

I snorted as sat up not bothered to answer. "Are you going to stop avoiding my question?"

Stefano plainly said, "Maris woke Emilio up!"

"If you won't say it, I will!" Omero said. "Maris went to your room then went to Emilio's. I think she hoped you were with him."

I'd already connected the dots Sybil's words last night. 'We have a very long history. He will always come back to me.' I had taken it as it had sounded some chick with her nose out of joint.

"He wasn't alone, was he?"

The door flung open, and Sybil rushed out sent a nasty look my way, while scurrying to her car. I guess I always knew he was playing me for a fool. The searing kiss we shared messed with my head and unleashed what I'd buried. So, adamantly for years, because I would never be enough. I wasn't his type.

I wasn't blind, and I indeed wasn't dead, or immune to what other women saw in him. A stunningly gorgeous man. Who left me conflicted, confused and very angry because unfortunately for me? I was learning what type of person he was, and I didn't like him! Wrapped inside the blanket, I stood still as I mulled everything over before I went inside.

Stiff as I climbed the staircase to the bedroom and rifled through what clothes I'd bought. Then my phone dings.

Kayde: "Your chariot should be there in 30 mins dinner tonight Exeter Room 6 pm."

Evangelina: "Pushy, much, and thank you."

Packed and dressed, I contemplated whether I take the gun with me deciding against it. I then dragged everything downstairs and Placed by the front door before I entered the kitchen.

"Morning sunshine, you were up before the birds again," Santo said while he handed me coffee.

"Good morning, everyone. You're a lifesaver I needed this, " I mumbled before taking it in my hands. Then slid into a chair at the table while an uneasy silence enveloped the kitchen.

"Evangelina your a bit overdressed for sightseeing," Cordelia said as her face lit up. "We could go shopping instead."

Elmo's voice answered, "Another time Cor, Evangelina has to leave this morning. Maybe next time."

Next time my ass! I wasn't coming back here till his uncle was dead and buried. He'd showed his hand and what cards he wanted to play. To me, it showed his true colours. Archimedes would grasp at the smallest thing to gain leverage to which he had no right too.

Archimede strolled in and kissed Benita on the cheek. "Whose leaving?"

"Evangelina," Cordelia whined he didn't look put out, and I didn't care one iota.

"So soon? You haven't seen Sicily yet, and until we know everything about the threat too you. I must insist it would be safer here."

"We are both leaving, and I have business back home that needs my attention," Elmo said. Then a glanced towards me. Maris muttered at the stove while Benita rubbed her back.

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