25: Attraction

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Evangelina & Emilio:
Rhode Island


"Are you going to answer that?"

My head swam as I moved and spotted who laid beside me with tousled black hair. "You need to leave now."

The shove I gave wasn't light while I picked up the phone on the bedside table.

"Mr Mancini this is your seven am wake up call, your car will be ready to leave at eight forty-five. Is there anything else you need?"

I sat up slowly she wasn't moving so I pulled the blankets down. "Send up eggs bacon and sausage some coffee and juice."

Jr started to stir just at the sight of her stretching out as her hand searched for the blankets. "You need to leave."

With a yank, the blankets come down to the floor as I headed towards the bathroom.

"Come back to bed?"

Even though the offer was tempting, I had somewhere to be as she licked her lips starring at Jr. "Not going to ask you nicely again. Get the fuck, out you, couldn't have been, that great cause I don't remember."

"Don't have to be an ass about it since you fucking fell asleep on me!"

I watched as she got dressed and stormed out of the room, slamming the door. My head was banging at the sound fucking, never again. Kayde drank, like a bloody fish. We matched shot, for a shot, when would I learn? I dug into the toiletry bag for the Advil.


I snickered at Omero's face and pulled at my outfit Stefano assessed me carefully. "He's right you should probably put on something under that, Emilio won't like it."

"Fuck, him, and the both of you! It can't move double-sided tape dude. Now get moving, or I won't have enough time to inspect everything." The file in tucked into my bag that Hanna had faxed, to the plane last night I walk to the hotel door. "Just so you both realise you work for me. I expect you to do your jobs and not, critique my outfits."

I slipped the overcoat on slowly doing the buttons up, Stefano spoke, "I answer to my father, not you."

"I understand that final decisions about my safety come down to him, but nothing else. Do not push me! Either of you, because I will send you both back, and hire a firm. Now can we please, go the helicopter is waiting, and so is the builder."

Stefano's only words were. "It's her funeral."

Omero opened the hotel door, while I dismiss his words my funeral, as if!

It was just a meeting that had, to have, a deadly ending to it. O'Malley had upset the apple cart, and I got to deliver the message. How could I've known asking for that one little thing would lead me to be their bitch.

With the sort trip to the helipad, we are in the air with minimal fight time the pilot does a sweep over.

"This is Sassafras point, the start of the docks is that building to the right, and that is the bay commission. Then the property stretches down to Field Point, which is where I have to land."

Silence Is Golden **WATTYS 2018 LONGLISTED!** The Mancini Connection Book1Where stories live. Discover now