23: Lies

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Evangelina: Italy

It has finally come out, and I couldn't handle the looks of pity neither did I want to be treated differently. I had worked hard to get where I was today.

"This is a good hiding spot. By the way, Ma's looking for you."

"You're fucking shit, and I'm still mad, at you!"

Mario's arm came around me, pulled me to him as he placed his head on mine. "You left me with them, Eva! They're like teenagers, and Ma was giggling she even asked when I'm moving out." Mario pulled a face his eyes met mine. "I've missed you. It's not the same at home without you."

I snuggled into my brother's side more I missed him too. "I can't go back there; it's suffocating." Mario sighed and held me tighter."Why would you tell? It's my secret, not yours."

"Emilio, he's not known for being kind to women, Eva. I guess you figured it out by now? He had a right to know. Now we sit back and wait. Either he does right, or he doesn't. It's as simple as that." We sat in silence for a while. "Let's face it the way you've gone about all this was wrong. What if you got hurt again? You are not invincible."

I felt bad enough as it was because Mario wouldn't be safe if he's worried about me. "I know, but I'm not defenceless anymore." I shivered at my own words I'd never helpless again.

"Eva, are you sleeping at least?"

"Yeah." College helped more often than not. I fell asleep at my desk, but Mario didn't need that little tidbit.

"Can I ask you something?" I hummed and gazed up at my brother he appeared undecided. "Do you not like one thing about him?"

Never would I admit it to Mario. The way Emilio's dark hair curls, framed his gorgeous, face. That mans head would balloon bigger if he got a whiff of what I thought. The word pretty popped into my head. Yep, his beautiful, pale green, eyes then I scrunched my face and wondered why they were so, hypnotic. They drew me in whenever I gazed into them. I couldn't think straight, and I didn't like that sensation at all. I lost sight of what was going on around me. In our lifestyle, it was dangerous. Hence, he was a danger to me.

"Oh, my god Eva, you do like something about him, don't you?"

"No way." With my head down, this was not a conversation I wanted with my brother.

"Eva, it's ok if you do." Mario's voice dipped in an attempt to soothe me. "If you two could find common ground, it would help. He has started proving his loyalty to our family, and you already. Don't get me wrong, I still don't like him, and to be completely honest. I don't know if he's the right person for you."

Staring into Mario's eyes, I heard the honesty in his words. Plus Mario was the first person not to push me towards him. Cautious in his assessment of the situation. "Does his girlfriend being pregnant bother you that much?"

I snorted. "Give me your phone."

No, my chances are zilch when it comes to having kids. His child is the innocent one in all this, and shouldn't miss out. I expect when you tell him the truth, he won't want to go ahead.

Handing the phone to Mario, he typed furiously with a blank look on his face. What are you talking about? Ma talks non stop about what beautiful grandbabies you'll have.

The words punched in angrily as I thought of Ma. She's living in a fantasy world where nothing ever happened to me.

My fingers had frozen. I'd never said the words out loud since the doctor explained. I never wholly comprehended until now. But when my period never appeared again. The Search for answers began, and then finally, my acceptance.

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