31 - Mosaic

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The helicopter landed in Papa's compound. Carmine kept glaring at Sal and me while my wonderful husband hadn't said a word yet. Climbing out, I dashed straight into my Papa's arms Ma and Serevo stood off to the side with the boys.

"You all good piccolo?"

Nodding my head as I moved away when Mario scooped me up. "Glad to see you in one piece sis." I just hummed and watched Emilio bend down and cuddle the boys. I'd only ever seen him angry and indifferent with me. The way he clung to them as if they were his air, was a side I'd never seen of him.

Severo's confused face turned to anger as he looked at me while Carmine spoke in his ear. They argued in hushed tones until Emilio said, "Later!"

"Evangelina this is Daniel and Sean guys this is Evangelina."

"Hey, I'm sorry you got scared, but I needed you safe." I raised my eyes to Serevo. "All of you."

"Evangelina I'm so glad you safe," Ma said with tears in her eyes once again. Her, arms wrapped around me I was close to breaking. So, I detangled myself fast and started walking away. I needed a shower. Otherwise, I was going to collapse soon.

"Eva, aren't you staying with us?" I turned wide-eyed Daniel and saw a hopeful look on his face. How exactly do you explain to a kid that age our situation? We were married, but we weren't like other couples.

"Yeah, Eva, why not stay with your husband," Sal sniggered at me while Mario hit his arm. Sal, muttering, "I was only trying to help."

Elmo saved me from answering, "Evangelina has important business things to do."

Now I was here all I wanted was to crumple in a heap as I tried my best not to show it. Daniel looked disappointed as his shoulders dropped. "Maybe can we come to see you later?"

Ma said, "I'm cooking for all of us tonight. So, you're all expected for dinner, that means you too Carmine if you decide to stay. So you boys will get to see Evangelina then."

Daniel's face lit up as he held Emilio's hand, dragging him off towards the guest house. With his mouth running a mile a minute.

"You know Eva. You could use this time to get to know him." I looked at Mario like he was nuts had he lost his freaking mind!

Papa spoke with a grin on his face, "I think that's the second time I've seen you two together. And this time neither of you killed each other with glares or words. Those boys are going to need a strong female in their life, and that has to be you."

"So what exactly are you saying?" Papa seemed so much older than last time, I'd seen him. I'd spent a lot of time away from him. Try as I might it was a love-hate thing for me, and I was struggling to keep the act up.

"He's a good man, not like his father, none of those men back there are. I would put that down to having strong women in their lives. We need that in our world, more than you'll know, please stay. Give him a real chance?"

"I'll think about it, Papa." Not sure if he heard me as I climbed the staircase. "I'm just so tired. I feel like I've been fighting the whole universe for so long. I don't think I know how to be any different."

Turning the corner heading to the bathroom, I felt utterly defeated and emotionally drained. That towering insurmountable mountain, I kept attempting to climb whatever path, I chose towards the summit. It was always just out of reach. The events in my life would pile on my shoulders, weighing me down. And I'd slip that little bit further from my goal.

Silence Is Golden **WATTYS 2018 LONGLISTED!** The Mancini Connection Book1Where stories live. Discover now