Chapter 39 - I'm Done

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Talk about curiosity I think I'd seen nearly every person in this office except for Serevo. "Ms Bettini, they are ready for you now."

It was about time! I know I was late, but Matthew's veiled threats were pissing me off. Nona had assured me he knew nothing of our other business his days numbered as far as I was concerned.

I walked into the conference room. Leo stepped forward, greeting me.

"Ms Bettini, it's a pleasure to see you again."

As he pulled out my chair to sit in Serevo, grinned and rolled his eyes. "These are my partners Grace Galway and Marko Banks."

Leaning across the desk, I shook their hands. "Thank you for seeing me so quickly."

"Well, we were curious as to why the CEO Quest industries would need to seek counsel outside the company."

Serevo knew a little bit but hadn't divulged what he did know. I bent and retrieved the files I'd brought with me. "Well, I guess you would, do you have the client contract with you for me sign then?"

Taking my time to read it, I signed sliding it back across the table and placed the files on the desk in front of me. Their eyes lit up with curiosity while I sorted them into piles. "These are all employment contracts of individuals in the Chicago office I want them gone."

Leo leaned in I swear excitement in his eyes. His nostrils flared was incredible to watch. It was as if he could smell the blood in the air as he opened the folder. "Are you sure about this? I know Matthew. I believe he would be a capable department head."

"Leo, I'm not asking you to critique his work. Nor are any of them worth the money. I'm paying them."
My eyes settled on Leo and I had to wonder whether he would relay any of this meeting to Elmo. "I want to know if I can get rid of them quietly?"

Grace spoke, "Was the family matter I handled for you Matthew's work?"

"Yes, and thank you for that you got it right first go."

"Glad I could help, may I?"

I decided that I liked Grace as I slid another file across the table. "The problem is Matthew, isn't the only one that doesn't follow instructions. I came across peculiarities in these contracts. Quest evaluates the department heads every two years. If their performance is up to standard, we sign them up for another two years. It's review time."

Reaching into my bag, I pull out the last two files placing it on the table. "This is the contract that should've been, signed. No, one has a company car or drivers, and two of these individuals have used the company jet. All business-related events matched up to the corresponding dates. There is no reason for all this expenditure it's straight out embezzlement."

"Can I ask what Emilio's thoughts are no this?"

Leo was fishing for information too bad I only one that spoke to Serveo about this.

"He doesn't have anything to do with the company that's why I'm here."

"I did, and he won't do what she wan—" I narrowed my eyes on Serevo, not happy with his input.

"Don't finish that sentence."

"Eva, please, don't take it to heart," Serevo pleaded.

"Lo Voglio! Aveva piuttosto diddle Tutto ciò che cammina di prendersi cura di business, I do! He'd rather diddle anything that walks than take care of business!" Leo cleared his throat, averting my attention from Serevo as my temper exploded. "Egli non può avere entrambe le cose io non-lo sopporto più! Ciò che è Meglio per la famiglia dovrebbe essere la sua prima preoccupazione. He can't have it both ways I won't stand for it any longer! What is best for the family should be his first concern."

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