13 - Warnings

260 15 1

Emilio: Chicago


Momma giggled as Don's deep chuckle mixed with hers. The sound was something uncommon in this house. However, light her mood, my hackles raised with how at ease she appeared.

"Want me to draw a diagram for you?"

The look Tito gave Don made everyone but me laugh. "I know the mechanics; you dropkick, I get more than your ass do. I'm trying to understand how he could be so fucking irresponsible?" Tito's voice became louder as he pointed one more thing I stuffed up. "I can't believe you! You're marrying my daughter and have a kid on the way." Tito glanced at me in disbelief.

"This doesn't alter anything, and I will still marry her." Full of disgust as the words tumble out. My brother was dead because of Evangelina. "What was that, Don?"

"Ever, consider wrapping that sucker up, Mancini?"

"Jesus, Don, I did!" My fingers raked through my hair, frustrated with the situation.

"Maybe she's desperate and stuck it with a pin."

My head spun at Don's suggestion. No way was Amelia that desperate, was she? I shrugged my shoulders. Not able to believe that of her because it's more perplexing about how they knew?

"So, what happened exactly?"

"I told Dad Amelia was pregnant, and the next minute he had a heart attack."

"Your mother will be fine once she mourns your father properly. Perhaps she might meet someone better suited." Tito's voice dropped as he started to calm. "Have you tracked my daughter down yet?"

The glint in Tito's eyes said he knew where she was, and I didn't want to track her down. She could run the company, for now, but sooner or later, she had come back to the States. Quest maintained four offices. It would be potluck deciding on which to visit.

"Nope, I've seen the announcement; want to explain that to me?"

"It's my mother's company, and now it's Evangelina's since finishing college. From what I hear, she is doing quite well, especially after closing her first deal. It was quite lucrative. Who would have thought my little piccolo was a cut-throat businesswoman."

Tito's words of praise for Evangelina fell flat, and my gut started to churn. Something off with the whole statement. Nevertheless, I put it down to Tito being upset about the pregnancy.

"It's a man's world you mark my words, son. Evangelina will get bored or want babies soon enough." My mother gushed. "I don't relish the thought of you fathering a child Emilio. Especially with someone else. However, I believe Evangelina will come around and accept the child. And once you both settled into your home together, you can start a family of your own."

While I glanced around the living room, I caught Natalina trying to escape the front door. I moved to stop her, but she ran. Weaving fast through our guests to reach Natalina, but she jumped into a car and drove off.

"Find her, Fabio."

It was too much for her. The loss of Dad and Bruno had left her in a tailspin. When my father was alive, they had been close. Natalina was his princess, and he spoiled her rotten. But now, I discovered a more sinister side to my little sister and her love of drugs. Being here every day since Bruno's death, I had recognised the pinned pupils. Why hadn't anyone else? It wasn't a rare thing either she had been using for some time. Rehab was the only option I had left. Natalina would despise me for it, but this was the last time she would be running out of this house, strung out.

Silence Is Golden **WATTYS 2018 LONGLISTED!** The Mancini Connection Book1Where stories live. Discover now