"Yeah..." I agree watching Lana's hair sway with every move and stray strands cling to the couch.

"We're the luckiest guys on this planet." Alex states.

"Yeah." I nod I am so lucky to have you, Lana

"You figure out what you wanna do about asking Lana?" Alex's eyes weigh down on me.

"I saw a ring the other night on my way home from work." I shake my head and stare into my hands "she would love it."

"I'm guessing it's pricey." Alex smirks "it doesn't have to be, you could just ask her."

"No, I can't" I shake sigh "she deserves more than that, she deserves that ring, she deserves some grand fairytale gesture."

"Then do it." Alex says it likes it's that simple.

"I don't have the money for the ring or the gesture." I prop my head on my hand and watch Lana flip through a magazine filled with wedding dresses.

"Maybe it's not the money thing." Alex says, "maybe you're just not ready to ask."

"I know she's the one, Alex." I shake my head, I can't help the smile on my face. "I just know it, I feel it."

"Then what's holding you back?" Alex looks at me like I'm an idiot. I probably am, I mean, what idiot holds off asking a girl like Lana?

"I don't know she just..." I sigh and shake my head "she just deserves more than..."

"More than you?" he asks. "because I don't think that's your decision to make, I think that's hers so stop making her mind up for her and man up, talk to her."

"How?" I demand "How do I talk to her about this?"

"You're making this so much harder than it has to be." Alex drops his head back "just talk, that's it, that's literally it."

"it's not-"

Alex slaps the back of my head. "Shut up."

"What the heck, man?" I growl at him.

"It's not anything." He says "tonight, talk to her about it."


"Start with, do you see us together forever?" Alex throws his arms out, as if that's easy, as if talking about that could lead to something I don't want to know. Like maybe she doesn't see us together forever, like maybe she's just waiting for something better to come along. Except, Lana isn't like that, she's honest and kind and loving and real.

"Yeah... you're right." I nod. I watch Lana on the couch for a moment.

"Can I tell you something that you won't say anything to anyone, even Shaina?" I ask him.

"course." Alex brows furrow in confusion.

"This guy stopped by a few days ago when you were passed out on my couch." I begin.

"What did he want?" Alex asks.

"He was asking for Lana, he was weird though." I push away from the table and lean back.

"What was weird about it?" Alex sits back.

"When I told him Lana was out he started yelling for her, like I was hiding her or something." I slide a glance at Lana but she's not listening to us, she's still busy with Shaina.

"Was he high?" Alex half laughs but he looks uncertain.

"I don't know, he said he'd be back later." I keep an eye on Lana, I don't want to upset her again.

Every Reason I loved herWhere stories live. Discover now