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Dear Theo,

There is only one thing I've ever wanted out of life. I wanted to be loved unconditionally and completely and I didn't know what form to find it in but here you are. Here you are at two in the morning tapping away at your laptop and sipping your coffee, that sweater you wear when you're cold and writing because it looks like a stereotypical writers or scholar type cardigan. Or maybe you just wear it because your mom gave it to you and it reminds you of her and it makes you feel close to her. I love the way you look in it any which way you turn it.

I love you Theo if I'm ever gone, please remember that.

P.s. That's not fair, when I'm gone please remember that. I love you. I love you with everything in me.


Every Reason I loved herDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora